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Ever feel like calling it quits from the hobby?

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by RICKY~RICARDO, Mar 25, 2013.

  1. olscrounger
    Joined: Feb 23, 2008
    Posts: 4,800


    Don't think I would ever totally quit on the cars and never would sell the tools but sometimes I just need to step back and take a break.
    I'm at the point that I may sell a couple of finished cars (57 Fuely and 40 coupe) so I can have funds and space to do another one but it's hard to let them go-some we have owned 35 yrs. At 70 I can't keep them all and build more so I need to make a decision or just quit building them and play with the ones that are done.
    Have done 4 40's in the past 2 yrs and have another in progress but am not going to get in a big rush to finish it by summer-chassis is nearing completion and body will be back on it and painted in about 45 days-then I will just take my time to complete it.
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2013
  2. Old Heap
    Joined: Oct 10, 2010
    Posts: 306

    Old Heap

    Quit? No Way! Take a break? YES! I'm planning to take this summer "off" as in no new projects, or super heavy duty projects. This summer I plan to drive what I have, do some repairs around the house, and relax. I'll keep up the maintenance, oil changes etc, but otherwise nothing that would take more than an afternoon to complete.

    There's no way I could step totally away from my car passion!
  3. Hackerbilt
    Joined: Aug 13, 2001
    Posts: 6,249


    I have too many projects...and a dangerous attraction to a few additional ones!
    I'd like to clear out a few to make life easier but its like deciding which children are your favorites!!!

    Oh well....I LOVE fabricating stuff so I convince myself that the building of my projects is least until one of them finally gets finished!
    Maybe then it will be easier to see which "child" gets sent down the road!
    I doubt it though...LoL
  4. I never have the urge to quite entirely. I just walk away from the garage for a week or so.
    I've been following your build and have met you. We both have taken on complete rebuilds. That isn't easy to handle. I don't care how much time or money someone has.
    If you still can't get your head into it after a few months and your heart isn't in it then I'd rethink it.
  5. A lot of interesting responses and insightful reply's to this thread,,I can see why some may lose interest in the project if it gets bogged down due to financial cost,time,and family restraints.

    Having a hot rod or custom that is running that you can jump in and get that fix makes a big difference,,if that piece of stationary art has been sitting for years and there is no end in sight I can see why a guy could be frustrated.

    I honestly believe there are a lot of people that really want to build a hot rod or custom but in reality don't possess the skill,aptitude or the time to learn the skills and end up with a lot of money wrapped up in a project that may very well never leave the garage under it's own power.

    If you find yourself wondering why you ever started the project and you get discouraged it my be the time to cut your losses,sell or trade the pile of parts to someone that wants it and move on to a running driving car that is ether finished or just needs some simple fixes to suit your taste. HRP
  6. flynbrian48
    Joined: Mar 10, 2008
    Posts: 8,403


    Never. It's not a hobby, it's a lifestyle. Needlepoint is a hobby. Collecting coins is a hobby. It's more like breathing or eating.

  7. cfnutcase
    Joined: Nov 29, 2008
    Posts: 1,032

    from Branson mo

    YES YES YES, seems just living is taking up too much time these days...and its not getting better, just no time at all for the cars....might be better off to sell everything and just buy a plain old pickup and wait to die....Jim
  8. 57tailgater
    Joined: Nov 22, 2008
    Posts: 864

    from Georgia

    When I was younger, I had collected 3 projects. All at one time or another had been my daily ride. Thinking I would have my projects for life, all never got much further. I tore one down and it never got back together again. Family, job relocation, space, and other commitments took precedence. Eventually my fleet got reduced to just the one I have now (which in hindsight has been a relief). The truck I still have has sentimental value to me and I am looking forward to getting back on the street. It's been fun collecting parts on the very lo-buck theory. My plan is to get it to be a driver as I can't afford to make it a spectacular show truck nor do I want it to be. At one time a while back I did think of getting rid of it all as no one in my family took an interest. But I have since changed my thoughts a few years ago about having it. A recent posting on the Garage Journal was titled "Caretaker" reinforced my thoughts as we are only caretakers of what God has provided to us on this earth. I want to preserve what He created and share that with my family and others. There are still priorities it follows but I hope to have it part of sharing His joy. :)
  9. Boyd Who
    Joined: Nov 9, 2001
    Posts: 2,196

    Boyd Who

    Yes, I've toyed with the idea of walking away from the cars lately. I'm waist-deep into the rebuild of my Essex right now. The plan when I started taking it apart 2 1/4 years ago was to have it finished for this summer. I'm not even close, even if I spent 8 hours a day on it. I've probably spent less than a weekend's worth of hours on it since last April, due to my wife's health crisis. I took quite a bit of time off work to be with her so money was tight, plus I didn't want to be out in the shop while she was alone in the house. I would do the same thing again if I could...she passed away on the 7th of this month at the age of 50. :(

    Now I have to re-evaluate things in my life. I'm purging a pile of stuff out of the house over the next few months, and I need to decide what to do about the hotrod. I hate the thought of giving it up, so I'm taking a trip down to the Viva Las Vegas show next weekend for some inspiration. I live out in the boonies of southern Manitoba and there's no other like-minded rodders around to hang out with within 120 miles. As for traditional shows...there are NONE around here, making staying focused on what I want to build very difficult.
  10. Dick Dake
    Joined: Sep 14, 2006
    Posts: 788

    Dick Dake

    Sometimes you need to get rid of a project, sometimes you need a new one. Sometimes, like in my case, working two jobs, going to graduate school and I have a young family, it needs to go on the back burner. Will I ever not have something? No. My Studebaker is in the garage right where I left it, it will be there when I have more time and money.
  11. No, I can't imagine doing that. It's one of the few joys in life for me. Hell, just going to an old car swap meet I still feel like a kid on his way to Disneyland.

    I've never known life without old cars and I can't imagine it. Besides, it's like the Hotel California. You can check out any time you like, but you can't never leave.
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2013
    Joined: Sep 27, 2011
    Posts: 422

    from Milwaukee

    I think i am going to have a few beers in my garage :) "Happy hour"
  13. Mr48chev
    Joined: Dec 28, 2007
    Posts: 34,595


    I took a hiatus from active rodding a few years ago and If I hadn't discovered the HAMB it would have been a much longer one.

    Several years ago I didn't have the money to spend on the 48 and didn't see any change any time soon.

    The biggest turn off was the constant barrage of "What's it worth"? from mouthbreathers of all ages. Where 10 year olds only wanted to know how fast our cars were in the 70's now they only wanted to know how much the truck was worth. Unless you have a big hand full of hundreds waving in my face it's none of your freaking business what it's worth.

    Now, I'm building the truck and my other projects the way I always wanted to with the pieces I liked when I was young before the push to have the latest trickest stuff put a guy's rod out of date by the time it hit it's first event.

    I'm still going sailing on my boat though and plan some long cruises on it's larger replacement. Rather than being hell bent on hitting a car event every weekend and sometimes two I'll hit five to ten car events a year and probably travel more miles to each one in the process. The inlaws are all in Texas so some time there during the Bluebonnet season is a must do lengthy road drop.

    I've found over the years that people with only one interest are very boring people and that includes some of my car friends. It's ok to have more than one interest and ok to have more than one hobby even if it slows down progress on one project or another.

    There is nothing wrong with taking a weekend off from being in the garage and going on a trip with your wife, girlfriend or family that is totally not car related. Or do something that your kids have been wanting to do but you put off because of the demands of working on or buying parts for the "project". The project car will be there waiting patiently when you come back fresh and ready to go at it with new enthusiasm.

    Now to get my ass out of the house and get this damned box with wheels together and driving so I can get my 71 GMC moved into that spot to put the 500 Cad in it in place of the ailing 350 so I can then get to work on my real projects.
  14. TERPU
    Joined: Jan 2, 2004
    Posts: 2,393


    Nope, My hearts in it and it's my thing. Same with Surfing. When I quit loving them I'll let them be. If your hearts not in it then you are doing yourself a disservice and not allowing the full potential of your skills to be achieved. Let it be if you don't love it. It's not losing, it's being smart and knowing when to move on :). It'll let you come back anytime you feel the passion again.

  15. Scott F.
    Joined: Aug 9, 2006
    Posts: 1,018

    Scott F.

    I gave up smoking cold turkey. I quit drinking one day because I knew all along that me and alcohol was a bad mix. I'm in the process of eating better and starting to excercise and it's showing positive results. But, if you ever told me I had to give up old cars, I think that's the one thing that i could NEVER quit. I didn't get started in this hobby until I was over 30 but I've known all along that I wanted to have hot rods and/or customs. So since I started late I feel that I've cheated myself out of a lot of years of fun by concentrating on my other 2 bad habits and now I intend to carry on with this GOOD habit for the rest of my life. I'll never quit.
    Gammz likes this.
  16. TrioxinKustoms
    Joined: Oct 16, 2009
    Posts: 551

    from Romney, WV

    I find its easy to stay motivated on my own car if I buy one that is pretty much road ready.. I don't think I could do a full up restoration or custom for myself. I like to cruise.
  17. skilly
    Joined: Feb 11, 2013
    Posts: 9

    from mich.

    ya i was feelen that way couple days ago woulda gave everthing ta anybody that would of asked .but stuck with the old 48 an now shes runnen good an i like it just got to do 1 thing a day even if its a little thing..or say screw it for a couple days bet u cant stay away from her
  18. afaulk
    Joined: Jul 20, 2011
    Posts: 1,194


    Being "retired" from the USAF for almost 19 yrs, I've worked hard to support my need for speed/toys. The money I make working on other peoples cars, funds my habit. When I'm unable to pick up small tools I hope to die in my sleep. Currently waiting on control cables and small misc to finish the blown SBC in my FED. Repaired a couple of trailers for a local lawn service which paid for the parts. The budget didn't suffer. Keep on keeping on!
  19. BootleggerMatt
    Joined: Aug 17, 2011
    Posts: 258


    Needlepoint is a lifestyle! NPFL!
  20. cody1958
    Joined: Sep 19, 2006
    Posts: 833

    from wichita ks

    it's good to have a old car that runs and drives it may be a beater but you can jump in it and take it for a cruise and relaxe and go back to working on the other one later
  21. DAVEG2
    Joined: Feb 27, 2010
    Posts: 332


    Yes, but it passes within an hour.
  22. plan9
    Joined: Jun 3, 2003
    Posts: 4,078


    get rid of the stuff you dont need and focus.

    if you dont have money its going to take time and skill to see your project through.

    shit happens, patience and perseverance is everything. (...and a little dumb luck once in a blue moon)
  23. clean shop . drink beer get back at it .
  24. Hobby....... what hobby?...........
  25. larry k
    Joined: Feb 23, 2009
    Posts: 565

    larry k

    " YEA " i can quit any time i want to, i just don't want to, "augh" wait a minute ,thats a different hobby :rolleyes:
  26. BootleggerMatt
    Joined: Aug 17, 2011
    Posts: 258


    Yeah, forgot about cleaning shop. That works wonders. It's good to refresh yourself and mindset with a clean garage and organized tools.
  27. Felt that way the Summer of last year. Let me ask you something; does your project run? My biggest problem I had was that none of my projects were drivable. So I sold all the none-runners and bought a runner. Now I drive it everyday and couldn't be happier. It still needs work, but the work I do to it provides instant gratification.

    Because of my experience, I don't even look at projects now that don't run. If I can't drive it, it stays where it sits. Let someone else buy a lawn-anchor. Just a thought....
  28. 327Eric
    Joined: May 9, 2008
    Posts: 2,143


    I fight the feeling every day. Money and time are out the window right now. It comes back around. The thing that kills me the most is the responsibility. I know I can't afford to fix what I have, and will have to cut loose of a couple soon.
  29. oldcarguygazok
    Joined: Jun 20, 2012
    Posts: 401

    from AUSTRALIA.

    When HELL freeze's over !
  30. junk yard kid
    Joined: Nov 11, 2007
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    junk yard kid

    sometimes yes. But i threaten that i will sell it all and buy a plane. Or a sports car/dune buggy/4x4. A couple of years ago i made a comment to my sister about how sometimes i think i should just sell all my shit and buy a xbox video game and just be a club going dueche bag with fancy cloths. She completely missed the sarcasm and bought me an xbox for christmas. My girlfriend uses it to watch movies a couple times in the last four years.

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