Hi, I know this could technically be considered a wanted ad but its a bit more specific than that. Im trying to acquire a Volvo 164 p/s box for my shoebox, i live in a right hook country so the local cars probably arent any good. So i thought theres probably more chance of finding a box in europe than the US but i dont speak euro and i need your help. If you can track one down for me it would be greatly appreciated. PM me with any questions, or post here, ill keep track. Regards
Most of the European companies do business in english. Just try googling a wrecking yard that is specialiced in Volvo parts and send them an email. Or maybe Ebay.de? Most of the seller speak english I`ve dealt with speak english. J
ChopShop , I can't help with a LHD box but just wanted to say I had a good look over your Shoebox on Saturday at the Beachhop. Looks like a good solid car ,aside from the power steer what other plans do you have for it ? We took wifeys Shoebox hearse through to Whanga on Thursday and then the F100 on Friday/Saturday . The event has almost got too big to cope with now . .
As Jounik said, almost everyone speaks english in at least the northern parts of Europe and most websites that sell automotive parts have the option to read the site in english. Might this be what you are looking for or is it the power steering you are after and therefore the Volvo 164 box? http://www.cvi-automotive.se/en/articles/2.10482.38498/styrvaxel-140-1973-vst http://www.bildelsbasen.se/?index=default&link=item&company_id=155&post_id=19965956 http://www.bildelsbasen.se/?link=list&ggl=s16&searchmode=1&vc1=204&pc1=110&vc[0]=204100100&vcx=5005&pc[0]=110105113
Try John Keane At Classic Volvo Service Unit 2 17-21 George street Blackburn Vic 3130 Australia. Phone (03) 9877 7754 He stocks lots of old parts.
theres some on here search i just bought one from CA EXK is user ame here i need a pitman arm nut sure not common 22 x 1.75 ??
that was for a 140 box sorry but someone may need it ordered a stering arm nut today factory back order one month to a year anyone help on that think it is 22 x 1.75????
I bought a Volvo box adapter and chrome-moly tie end rod kit from him.I got them at yesterday,looks like quality parts to me.I think those 164 boxes are harder to get than 140 steering boxes,even in here. Another way to do it could be by using Cavalier steering rack,if you want the power steering..
Yeah mate the Hop was huge awesome time had. And cheers yeah the box is solid, cali car, not much rust at all 4 or 5 patches which is nothing. I am in two minds wether to do the volvo box or put a rack in with new A arms. Ive already spent a ton on dropspindles and springs so it would be a little backwards. Ill get it legal as it is and decide from there.
It is the power steer im after but our modification regulations most likely rule out a cavileer rack as ive seen how the US guys do it. Thanks for the leads otherwise but it realy is the 164 ill need.
Some suppliers in the Netherlands, sites are in Dutch but pretty sure that email in English will be answered in English too. www.veterancar.nl, www.scandcar.com www.volvo-parts.nl
Problem is they only made about 6000 164s many of them sold in the USA so they are getting hard to find in Sweden and probably in other countries to I know of a yard nearby that have a 164 but the owner is kinda crazy i can trye to buy it from him after the weekend but im not sure i manage to buy it some days the parts are cheap other days he tell you to get the hell out of his property because the yard is closed for the day
Heo2, sounds pretty typical wrecker to me haha, have a look for me please, see if its there. Matranga, cheers for the leads.
The 164 is a rare car, eventhou in 80´s i was invold in putting a V8(Dodge 318) in one since it has that good space in the front. In the 80´s the 164 or Amazons wasent worth anything. All cars goes from yesterdays junk to gold in 30-40 years