Hi everyone, from floor level how tall is it to the top side of the spring on a model a 4 inch dropped axle with weight on the car. a v8 installed. 4.50-5.00-16's reverse eye multi leaf spring. Trying to mock up my 29 sedan close to ride height.
springs vary. speedway brand if I remember correctly was 7" tall while posies is 5.5" not for sure what socals is..
Ok, what I'm need is mainly the whole dimension axle tires and all. If someone had a driving car and could just throw a tape from the floor to the top of the spring. I know it'll be hard to get exact with the spring in the crossmember but should be able to get real close, thanks
I just measured mine.Mine is on a coupe.600x16 tires.Bare flathead block and 150lbs sitting on the front crossmember.Measurement from the floor to the top of the spring is 15" Hope this helps
Ok thanks alot bill, I'm figuring full weight may drop it another inch and are you you using a reverse eye spring or standard and what brand.