Going down a dead end and came across this pair hiding in a garage facing the neighbor's house and hard to see, but it was clear one was an Edsel and the other was covered. There was an old For Sale sign in the back window of the Edsel so I went to look. This is what I found. Gold car is a Citation with the 410 345 hp engine and 55k supposedly original miles. Maroon car is a 4door hardtop. Both are really nice. Price on the sign of the gold car was $13,900. I'm going to see about a package deal.
I always thought Edsels were cool cars with unique styling. The pair you found would be worth picking up.
I do like oddball cars yes. Having something a little unusual is fun for me. I had a 59 edsel convertible four years ago and it was a fun car.
Cool cars for sure, but I don't see $13.9K there, not even if the 4 door comes with it for free. And that's coming from a guy with a '59. Either way, would be interesting to know what the guy wants for them.
If you do pick them up, you might want to join the Edselmail group on Yahoo - lots of very knowledgeable and helpful folks there. You can get the data plates translated too. The Pacer 4H looks sharp but it's been converted to floor shift, so the Teletouch system will need to be gone through - hopefully all the pieces are still on the car or with it. The Citation is nice but not heavily optioned (crank windows, standard radio, no A/C) so there should be some wiggle room on the price; I think if you can get it below ten grand that would be OK. Good luck and let us know what happens!
Fortunately the wife in the picture is sick of the cars and wants them gone like yesterday. I'm thinking $15K for the pair. The for sale sign was from five years ago so it's a little outdated price wise. She said he is very negotiable and if not, she will make him be. lol We will see.
I agree. Every time I see a Edsel thread posted, I have to take a look...'cause Edsels are cool as heck. I think the price is good for both, considering you can't find old tin as nice of shape as these two and it appears to be complete cars. Maybe haggle a little on the price, but I wouldn't pass 'em up. *Good find on these '58s (not 59s).
edsels are cool - even with 2 extra doors - i have been watching them on ebay for a few months now - a really nice 1960 sold today ( i didn't know there was a 1960 edsel) there is a decent looking black 59 4 door in Florida for sale right now http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/60-1...=STRK:MEWAX:IT&forcev4exp=true#ht_1536wt_1165
The 1960's are the coolest. The coupe has the exact same roofline as the Starliner Ford Galaxies and already look like a custom car. I would love to find a 60 coupe or convertible. But 1960 Edsel convertibles are all over $100,000 now!!
Definitely go with a package deal on the two. You can sell one and get back most of your $$ with little trouble. Either one of those should fetch $9k if they're in nice shape. Bob
The 1958's are the coolest. Something went wrong with 1960 model, all perfect Edsel lines & shapes died.
Dang, James, do you have some kind of sixth sense the rest of us don't have? You run across the coolest stuff!
I always liked that compass style speedometer on the 58 . It's beyond me why they got rid of that. Fwiw I paid $1800 for my 59 wagon, in similar shape as those cars except the 223 engine was bad (included a good 223) I saw a nice running car advertised for $5-6k awhile ago. Although usually folks ask over $10k for nice ones. Sent from my DROID device using the TJJ mobile app
I do think that my brain is part metal detector... lol I was too busy with the Pierce Arrow find to mess with the Edsel's, but soon....