Need Information on Street Rodder magazines September, 1996 Budget Bucket built by Rob Fortier Any information or photos would be greatly appreciated.
Speedway didn't have that kit back then, but it's basicly the same thing. A budget T depends on your resources. You do what you can with what you have or can get. How you spend your tiime and money decides the cost of the build.
Great idea, to my knowledge it hasn't been done. I went more for the Grabowski look but not a clone. Go for it.
Well, you have to take into consideration that that article is 17 years old and a lot of these guys weren't even into hot rods at that time no matter what their age is. As I remember it was a pretty good straightforward article and a no nonsense no frufru car. To add to what Fred said in post #3. a car like that can still be built for a reasonable cost if a guy is a good shopper/scrounger and doesn't go nuts buying high dollar extras. That means: NO high dollar crate motor, no high dollar custom built rear end, no high dollar custom built transmission. And no rare as rooster teeth engines or engine parts. That doesn't mean build a crappy car it just means make every dollar count. The finned aluminum pieces, multiple carbs and other trinkets can wait until later after the car is running, driving and sorted out and the budget allows for improvements. Steel Rebel's T above pretty well fits that bill. It has some shiny stuff on it and the engine is more than HAMB friendly but it doesn't have an excess of money thrown at it just for the sake of throwing money at it.
Iam looking to build a t bucket this summer. Will be getting most parts from swap meets, junk yards and friends. Iam a welder so building the frame and brackets are no big deal. the only parts I will be buying new will be the body from hermans fast glass. Iam looking to run a SBC and s10 rear. Iam not a fan of chrome or fancy interior. I like the low look with skinny tires.
Actually mine was very low budget. Did all the work myself with the help of some friends. Amazing how many friends want to pitch in when you start. Most of the chrome is old chrome I bought at swaps. Mr 48 chevy is correct the bling can come later. My original build was with a donated SMB as in the avatar. Old Ford suspension and running gear is pretty plentiful now because many guys are taking it out for new stuff.