That was when my older sister got married, she used it for a wedding car. I'm not sure where the tradition for using the white bands comes from but all the cars that transport the bride and her bridesmaids to and from the wedding have them. It's surprising how much respect is afforded the wedding party while on the road with these. Cheers mate, Doc.
I figured it was either that or someone had died and it was headed to a funeral (not much difference ).
I think the funeral thing is right, she married one of my long time mates! I should have known there was something wrong with him, when I joined the Army he joined the Navy!! Doc.
wish I had pics but they were lost when the basement flodded years ago Dad was born in 1936 but didnt buy a car untill he got out of the navy in late 58 for years I herd about his 53 dodge with the 392 hemi that he used as a daily driver and how pissed off his brother was when he beat his 57 283/275 vette with it
I would like to say my Dad was a hot rodder but he never was,,I had to learn from my granddad,,he was in the part time alcohol home delivery business. He had,in his own words,a hopped up Henry J,that he and his 2 sons built. HRP
I think the story was he traded for an alfalfa bailer near Lancaster ca. I wish I had the car and him back.
My dad was born in 67 I know he is young compared to alot of you he never got into pre muscle car stuff until I started plying with it a few years ago, he keep saying how he wants a old Powerwagon now but he spends too much of his time working on bicycle/beach cruisers from 1957 and earlier hes got close to 100 of them but he is a muscle car guy...maybe some day here is his high school Duster turbo'd 225. he currently owns O/T 'Cudas, but on topic as to them being my dads hotrods, Im proud of them...
Do you know anything about the trees of mystery banner? I have one too, and I know it opened in '46, just wondering if it was a big deal when it happened. As to my dads first hot rod I am completely unsure. The first one I remember as a child was '27 roadster he ended up with from someone owing him money. Posted from the TJJ App for iPhone & iPad
I know it's hard to see, but this is my wife's Grandpa. He's in his 80s now. He use to race Jaguars in the LeMans series races among other types of road racing. I can't for the life of me remember what car is pictured. I'll ask him tomorrow.
Made my day to hear you say that!!!...All my father has done for me I would give up everything I own to make sure he has a Hot Rod to drive. Eric I was responding to DocWatson post must have done it wrong sorry.