What is the best to clean this sticky old vinyl that goes inside.Mine seems to be grungy and sticky been a while since I have it installed ready to put back in after paint.It seems to be on steering wheel also.Tried soap and water and a little goof-off but what is best Thanks it is in a Monte Carlo
If it is sticky it sounds like the surface of the vinyl is going away. It might be that nothing will get that sticky layer off but you might try something like Simple Green on a few spots and see what it does. If you do get it off then put a good protectant on it. I have recently refound Vinylex by Lexol in the blue bottle at Pep Boys and it is about the best vinyl treatment I have found. I have used others that were ok, like 303, Meguiars, etc, but Vinylex not only makes it look nice but it does some cleaning also. It could be also that the previous owner used something like Armor All which I have found to create some stickiness and it attracts and holds dirt too. Don
Wax and Grease remover that car painters use. Also great for cleaning grunge off steering wheels. Do not use Thinners or MEK
There might be plastisizer migration. The 70s 80s stuff done that a lot. Cleaning won't help if that's it. Jack
Get a microfibre cloth from the dollar store, the terry cloth style. Put about a quart of water in a tupperware container. Give the water 1 or 2 squirts of SprayNine. Soak the cloth in the water, squeeze it out and start cleaning. I was amazed at how it removes dirt. When the cloth gets dirty throw it in the container, snap on the lid and shake it like a washing machine. Nothing else cleans vinyl as thoroughly and as fast.
Get some "Awesome" cleaner. Read the label it's a concentrate. I find it at the dollar store in QTs and it works on just about everything you can possibly imagine.
I agree with 56primiere when he said "There might be plastisizer migration. The 70s 80s stuff done that a lot. Cleaning won't help if that's it." I have used every type of cleaner and solvent in a body shop and all I end up with is a clean sticky surface. Baby power solves that problen, short of painting it.
I have used a product from 3M called Marine Clean on my convertible tops and vinyl interiors it's made for boats and outdoor furniture follow the directions and it works very well. don't know about the sticky feel though.
If the sticky is armor all or an equivalent, you need to use ammonia to break it down before any real deep cleaning gets done. Armor all is a painter's worst nightmare. I recently did a car from the 'hood that the owner even used it on his CLOTH SEATS!! I hate that shit with a passion, and 9 outta 10 times that's the problem.
I personally use this product................ http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=...1beIqG2CEh0SXP5yYa9fV4g&bvm=bv.44770516,d.b2I I use a wood or plastic handle brush...... I spray the product on and let it sit for 15 seconds and then use the brush to get into the vinyl pores, then wipe it off with paper towels. Always works great. If it's a barn find car decades of dirt, I may spray it twice, but usually one liberal spray coat works well. The company owner ( Dean) is a chemist and happens to be my neighbor up the road. A video on his website on how to use the product. The guy knows his stuff. All of his products are top quality. Cob
What sort of made me think his interior is just at the end of it's life is when he said the steering wheel is sticky too. I have seen some steering wheels that get gummy on the outside and usually that means the wheel surface is breaking down. I had a Ford Crown Vic that the steering wheel got sticky like that and it was because of the heat here in Florida. I could get it off but it kept getting sticky again pretty fast. He is in Georgia, so maybe the heat has killed his stuff too. Don Here is a link I found that discusses cleaning vinyl furniture that is sticky. Maybe vinyl seat upholstery is similar and will respond to what they suggest here: http://www.howtocleanstuff.net/how-to-clean-sticky-residue-from-vinyl/
I used 3M Adhesive and Glue Remover because nothing else worked. After 3 or 4 applications the wheel in the 74 El Camino was smooth and shiny again and while I drove it for the next 2 years did not ever get sticky again.
I bought this Monte Carlo in 71 new and now doing a frame off and I tried Dawn to no prevail and a little Goofoff worked along with next step Purple something but will try the other methods.Over years probably use Armor all.Seemed to do pretty good.I know that after years it does get hard but trying to keep it going Thanks
I've had good luck with "Simple Green" as well....but you'd be well advised to test in a safe spot first......the "Green" is a bit misleading....the stuff is strong as hell!
http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/s...d.php?t=690339 http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/s...d.php?t=622370 www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=729470
I use our Power Clean on vinyl, then follow up with our Vinyl Shine. http://www.wizardsproducts.com/store/product.php?productid=26&cat=0&page=1 http://www.wizardsproducts.com/store/product.php?productid=93&cat=0&page=1 For tougher stuff, you can use Crud Release. It's like Power Clean on steroids. http://www.wizardsproducts.com/store/product.php?productid=98&cat=0&page=1 As you can see, I've got loads of vinyl to keep clean! Be sure to use coupon code HAMB15 for 15% off your order too! http://www.wizardsproducts.com/store/home.php?cat=24