kinda new just joined the h.a.m.b today. I got a 1953 241 hemi (going on a 29 A)was in a barn for like 30 yrs a block away from my home.Its geting rebuilt as we speak.It came with a factory 4bbl intake cast #1537723-1 date 5-15-55 i think its from a 270.It looks like it fits the 241?can anybody let me now if im rite and if it works with the 241? pleas im going crazy so i joined the h.a.m.b. thanx...... also do 270 valves work on the 241 thanx again....... kevo-
This is definitely the place to have your questions answered. Would love to see a build thread when you're to that point...
thanx for the replies the block is with the machinist at the moment but i looked it up before it was from a 1953 (car) not the extended block short block so late 1953....i could be wrong ill try and get block numbers a.s.a.p.... ill post sum picks of my intake soon thanx again......
Welcome from Maryland. You may want to check out the Early Hemi Group of this forum ( and ask your questions on the main board. Congrats on your baby Hemi.