Sorry if it's OT, but with all the experience you people have with buying and selling stuff, I need quick advice. Listed a welder on craigslist, got a text message kind of like those usual Email scams. No mention of what it is, or relevant questions, just a question if it will disappoint or not. Then a request for my PayPal address so they can send payment, and have someone pick it up. I responded with "no, cash only, and it is too large to ship, so you have to pick it up". Got another back saying they are "deployed" and can pay, but someone else will pick it up, are they using deployment as part of the scam? I'd hate to cut off a serviceman needing something!
Scam for sure. Play it out and see where the catch is if you want. Pretty sure it will involve you giving money and the welder to the guy who's picking it up.
ALWAYS request a phone # in your add! A scammer will never provide a phone # so just block their email address be patient and wait for a real person, this works for me and weeds out 99% of the scum bags....
scam for certain . the only problem i have with craigslist is those that show up offering way less than what its worth , those few who know what its worth will buy it the rest i send home Jen
Asking for a phone number always worked for me. Most times you won't hear from them again but some have told me they were born deaf and can't use a phone. I played one out, even sent me a check. When I didn't cash the obviously bogus check he started begging me to send him the extra cash because his wife was involved in a "fatal car accident" and he needed the money, $1500, for her hospital bill. I told him to tell his wife to "hange in there".
It's very similar to responses I've had too. I think it's a scam personally. If you're worried about cutting a serviceman off, email him back that you appreciate his service but would prefer to do a cash deal in person. Posted from the TJJ App for iPhone & iPad
Scam. Having someone pay with Paypal and then picking up is a huge red flag and big no-no for any seller. The buyer then picks it up and claims to Paypal he never got it. No shipping to track so Paypal refunds the money and you lose both money & item. Doesn't matter if you have the guy sign papers when picking up with God as witness and co-signer. Without tracking Paypal doesn't care. You lose.
Scam, and don't expect paypal to back the seller. I am still going through a battle for $1200 worth of parts I shipped to Florida a month ago.
Ahhh. That where they get you! Couldn't figure it out at first, since PayPal is pretty secure money wise!
I tell them I will hold the item for six months till I have the cash in hand...generally don't hear back
simple, SPECIFY [NO E- CHECK]]let him pay you,then wait till it is "clear" in your pp acct...[FIRST].then he is the only loser....unless his guy picks it up.
Change your ads to say "NO Text msg" and also block your email address. Scummy scammers won't bother you. .
Yep, he can paypal his buddy and the buddy can take the cash. I'd offer to take a cash deposit from his buddy to hold it for a week until the buddy can deposit the paypal funds and get the cash. Most likely that will bring a lame excuse which tells you it truly is a scam.
SCAM SCAM,,,, Also : always meet at place away from yer house, > i.e. church parking lot, < never let them inventory your place...
I sell a lot of stuff on Craigslist. Most people are pretty nice and sometimes they have to come to you house. I sold a topper last fall and that guy was really cool but most of the time I meet people at a neutral site. The scammers that try this crap alway come up with some story why they can't meet you. I had one dude that wanted to send his mover to pick the part up, so I gave him an address for the people to meet me. I gave him a decription of some other car I would be in that I waited to see if he showed from across where I was at. Sure as hell some scummy looking guys got out of the car decribed that he gave me looking around and I left. I got another e-mail later saying I never showed so I sent them to another address but this time I never went, got another e-mail from the guy and he was pissed and now was threatened legal against me. I told him while a was waiting the second time someone else came up and offered me more for the item so I let them have it and replied forst person with the cash gets the item. I got a lot of e-mails later with links that I am sure were filled with viruses. Delete Delete Delete.
This is a very common CL scam, at least in my area. When I get one I usually don't even respond. Sometimes I tell them cash only, in person. Never hear again.
Anything I sell on cragslist, I tell them cash only and to meet me at the police sub station thats close to my house...the scammers never show up..
SCAM - Cash in hand for the set price or no deal!!! No need to have scum bags waste your time or case your place. Sell it here to someone who can reallt use it and is a stand up person. Just my 2 cents.
SCAM! The buddy can bring cash. I don't even have a paypal account for several reasons. I never will either. It's a pain in the butt sometimes when a vendor only takes paypal, but they figure it out or I don't buy it.