I wonder if the guy is on here right now, on the day the show aired? He's probably busy moving out after his wife cut off his HAMB priviledges
That's it, I'm restoring old farm tractors from here on out! This traditional hot rod shit has gotten too weird.
My wife said shes gonna call tyra and say that the HAMB is ruining our merrage too, they paid off all thier debt(like 20 grand) and a bunch of other free shit. If she does, I'll do the "feel test" and tell ya'll how it was, that is if I get the computer in the divorce for it. Drew
What? How do you know that? Did they say? I have a hard time believeing a daytime talk show has that kind of budget. Hell, I'll tell them I have inoperable brain cancer for a free 20K! Maybe this HAMB'er is smarter than we thought?
Did they explain what the HAMB is? What did they say about US? What did they say about the Hot Rod world? NEED INFO! LoL
That what they said on the show. maybe it was 20gs worth of shit to include paying off thier debt, because they got free marrage counsiling and stuff too.
I just turned on the tube and caught the end of the segment, I missed him saying anything about the HAMB. I'll check the dish and see if it is on later on and I'll see if I can grab it. Pretty sad that I rushed to turn it on to tyra, my wife is giving me wierd looks right now.
They didn't go into depth about that stuff, just how hot rods were ruining thier marrage. They also showed a pic of him with his car, but I missed that.
Hell, if I could turn Tyra on I wouldn't be sitting at this keyboard right now. What's that? The show? What show? Oh, there's a TV show called Tyra? Still, if I could...
Hey Washington guys!!! her site says it's on at 5pm on KONG !!! Lost Angels guys...UPN13 at 5pm.... ya can run but ya cant hide !! HE..should get the shirt Ryan
Anybody remember the "Queen for a Day" show from the 50's or maybe 60's? It had people coming on with their sob stories and the one with the best tear jarker of the noght got all their problems paid off... Gee, Why'd I think of that?
That looks like heath from Indy,Hes an emperor,One of Abombers crew,I think Andys gonna be on geraldo next week..HA HA ..just fuckin with ya,drew..It kinda looks like him though?..
Wasn't there a thread a while back with pictures of HAMB'ers in it? What was the name of that one? A "what do you look like" type deal, I tried doing a search for it but came up empty. I'm freaking out here, I'm WAY too interested in what's going on with this one. Inquiring minds want to know.
Ryan, you should give the guy a shirt it he admits he was on the show. then change his tag line to "HAMB ruined my marriage" or "I was on Tyra" that is funny shit.....
I just watched that dudes whole segment and didn't hear one thing about the hamb, just that he was ignoring his family like his dad did to him when he was a kid. Please tell me I didn't watch this boring show for nothing
It was a clip right before they wen't to commercial. You know, how they show little pieces of the segment just before commercial.
hmm well i musta missed it. tyra did manage to help a young couple get back together (sniff) after the guy cheated on her so the wife cheated on him to get him back. the wife gives tyra a hug and tyra bends down to the guy to give him a hug too and he is totally checking out tyras bodacious ta ta's.
a beer can should fall out of the sky and crush him! tuck you are right, he does sorta look like root!
What kinda car did he have? my wife said they showed a picture of him with his car. Maybe someone can identify it. Drew
I (Steve's wife) watched the guy's whole segment too, commercials and all and there was nothing mentioned about the HAMB. I think she's jerkin' your chain... Unless it comes on after this shoe segment...