I'm putting a GM trans behind a 331 Crysler Hemi and I'm looking at two different companies that sell the adapter.. One is Wilcap in California and the other is Hotheads in NC. Both companies seem like good people and I was wondering if anyone has used an adaoter from either outfit?
Both T R Waters and 74RR, here on the HAMB, offer adapters such as you are interested in. Nothing wrong with Wilcap or Hot Heads, but you have options here. Ray
Got a Hemi Hot heads adapter behind my blown "58" 392 hemi that's in my 41 Willys Gasser and wouldn't even think about anything else. Good parts, good service.......
74rRR's web sight tells me he knows what he's doing being I've done this kind of project from a couple different directions. The Wizzard
Here is the link __________________ www.qualityengineeredcomponents.com Early Hemi Parts, Pieces, Tech Trans adapters for EarlyHEMI, Flat 6&8 and pre-62 A series
Hot heads gets their adapters from Wilcap and Wilcap gets hemi parts from Hot Heads. Patrick at Wilcap explained that to me when I bought his adapter for my hemi and a front cover that I remarked looked a lot like a Hot Heads unit.
I'm connecting my 354 Hemi/T-700R combo with an adapter from Black Mountain Hemi. I'm also using their combination timing chain cover/sbc water pump adapter. http://www.blackmountainhemi.com/index.htm
I have a Wilcap adapter. They said it would be shipped in a week. Seems they make them up when an order comes in. After a week, I called to see when it was coming. They said they had a large order come in and haven't gotten around to making mine. It took another 2 weeks. In the meantime, I call Bendsten and they had them in stock. Bendsten uses a steen adapter plate and Wilcap uses aluminum. The Wilcap needed addition machining to fit. The next time, I'll try Bendsten.
I bought a wilcap for my muncie to hemi, it's still in the box but looks really nice,it took them a little while but they were the most recomened.
I used a Hot Heads adapter to put a Muncie behind a Desoto Hemi, and they also give you the choice of a left or right side starter which was a big plus for my application.
When I bought my Willys with a 392 it had a Wilcap and I was not impressed. I bought a Hot Heads and its a very nice piece. I don't believe for one second that Wilcap makes the adaptors for HH because I have owned both and HH is much nicer and has their name cast in it. Thats my .02........Dave.