Good to know...I couldn't imagine how the 31 gallon version would ever fit. You can't see it hanging from the side view, so that's a plus. Also, in my opinion, roll pans look more at home on fleet sides than they do on step sides...
Looks just old and rough enough. If I were you I would consider taking a scotch brite and barely going through the primers by lightly scuffing them out to look more like it's burnt through the top layers of paint.
Yup, agree. When trucks have real patina it took decades to happen so it's subtle around the edges. My Dad's black '55 hardtop Belair had factory red oxide showing through in places where he polished it so much over the years. At the time, no one was into "patina." Looking back on it, it was just getting good!
Do NOT use Old Air a/c unit!!! Go with a Vintage air. Have one in my daily driver. Also here in AZ. Installed an Old Air unit in a customers 57 pick-up. Told him I didn't think it would work well. Two months later he had me pull it out an install a Vintage Air unit. He came over and said he wanted me to get and install the Vintage Air unit. I told him I wanted him to take a ride in mine and then he could decide. Since it was his first "old vehicle", I didn't want him to compare his or mine to his late model. Well, we got in mine that had been setting in the AZ sun at about 105* and took off. Went two blocks and he said "I want one". I told him it had not even cooled down all the way yet. He said that in two blocks it was colder than his was after driving for miles. He is very happy now.
I've often wondered about this. I have a complete system from a '78 Wagoneer that always got very cold. Do these systems just get old, seals shrink or dry up? What is it that makes an old system, that was working when taken off, not worthy of being repurposed on another vehicle? I don't have $2k to drop on a new Vintage Air system. Honestly not even sure I really have to have air, but summers here can become unbearable, and these old trucks might as well be steel saunas when it's hot out.
just went through you entire build. You did great man. Diggin your truck and the fact that it's a daily. I drive mine every day of the year.
Beautiful truck Luis. OK, I was thinking older as in years, not name. If I were to go with new it would be VintageAir for sure...just too pricey for me right now. Also, I would only install one if I could make it as stealth/unseen as possible.