Well, seems that I have found a new project. Got this from Craigslist and its in great shape, just one dent below the passenger headlight. Got this for a amazing price that I couldnt pass up. It runs and drives, just the driver rear slave cylinder leaks. Already have all the parts ordered, going to replace all slaves, the master and the hoses. Might as well. Yes, I know its a 4 door, but I like 4 doors and its a hardtop so it rocks even more.
I haven't seen one in that nice shape for over 20 years. four door or not you've got a nice project to work on. Frank
Thanks Once I saw it, it was mine. These pictures are from when we picked it up. It is now safely in my garage.
Its worth at least 5k in that shape!I guess because it is a 4 door the price is lower than one might expect!
He said he just wanted it gone, the friend he got it from passed away and the car reminded him. But I like that its a 4 door, especially without the pillars
NICE...who cares if it 4 door..im building a 56 old 4 door and like you mines a hardtop without the pillar..that make the difference..and you scored..i bought mine for a 1000 and it was in no where near that shape..not running glass a mess ect..ect....nice going..and good looking
very nice. I would pay double, or more. I think the 55 is Buicks finest look. Love the Centuries with the big motor
There is nothing wrong with a four door hardtop! In many ways cooler than a two door. I had a 55 Olds and a 56. I still love these Oldsmobiles and Buicks. If my four door sedan would have Been a hardtop, like this one I would still be driving it.
VERY nice! Love the 4-door GM hard-tops. Buick was always a year ahead of Chevy. I've got a '54 Special. If you decide to firm up the cornering, I just finished manufacturing 1-inch front sway bars for '54-'56 all models. -Brad
Ok so to start with the questions. When its been sitting for a while, it seems it doesnt want to prime itself. What could be causing that?
Fuel pump. Had the same problem on my '54, but didn't know it. I'd dump a little gas down the carb, it'd fire up and would run. One day at a stop light the thing died and I couldn't get it to refire. An older guy came over, put his hand over the carb and told me to start it. It fired up and ran. He said the fuel pump was bad, and that covering the mouth of the carb gave enough suction to pull fuel through the dead pump, and then created enough draw to keep running. -Brad
Well heres a little update...the fuel pump solved it all. Ran like a freaking champ, after rebuilding the carb, here is a video http://smg.photobucket.com/user/MiniSpdRcr/media/Video_zps9a791170.mp4.html Well, shortly after I turned the camera off, I noticed smoke...lots of it. Found out my voltage regulator stuck, burning the wires from the generator to the regulator and just under the dash. Now I get the pleasure of redoing the wiring. Well while doing that I rebuilt the booster and have been doing all that as well. Also, what would it take to change to alternator? Any recommendations?
I see the little dog is marking its territory. Great Find at a great Price. I couldn't get the video to work
Yup the dog was the previous owners dog. The car is nicely tucked in a garage now. And hmm lets try this way of posting the video <embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf" flashvars="file=http%3A%2F%2Fvidmg.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fv33%2FMiniSpdRcr%2FVideo_zps9a791170.mp4">