also the 42-48 ford car dash arrived yesterday so i could not wait to put it in place stole the idea from doughboy, in therms of ''better well stolen than badly invented'' used the the top part of the old dash and did it a little different, i wanted to keep the ash trays some gap's to take care of and solved fitting the trim checking out the look of the gauges from classic instruments speedo is in Kph just put the steering column on in the original mounting holes of the dash, but it just needs to go a little further into the dash
Dash look outstanding. (Two thumbs up on that! ) However, I would ditch that aluminum column mount. It looks out of place with the very well executed dash and the period correct steering wheel. The brake pedal looks like it will be really comfortable. I like that setup better than my under floor master. Can you relocate the throttle mechanism in front of the firewall to clean that up? Sorry doughboy, but I like the ash trays...all this cool dash swapping, you guys have me wanting to put a 50 Ford dash in mine.
i will paint both the column mounts and rework them to a more round shape. i have to look into the throttle pedal location and see whats possible
My better half had a great idea...convert the ash trays to hidden vents...lift up the ash tray lid (hinged at the windshield) and reveal a/c vents.
Are you sure that old truck is worth all the work? I mean, the upholstery on that seat is SHOT! Beautiful job on the dash. When an idea is as good as that, it's not stealing, it's inspiration. Brian
the seats will get new upholstery with a different patern that will match more with the rest of the truck . these seat come out of the donor truck and fit nicely my father will do the upholstery and also does the painting so we dont have the high labour cost on these. we can do most of the stuff our self, chrome is probably the only thing we need to send out tonight i have been working on the dash and cut some holes for the new gauges it still needs a little alignment
No a/c also has the advantage of not having arguments over the a/c. I like it 80-90 degrees when i'm driving. When it's 105 out and 115 in the car then it's nice. But once you have ac then some folks insist it is set at 60. Too cold! I bring a jacket to work for the same reason. I only wear it inside the building, take it off when i go outside. Sent from my Verizon 4G LTE smartphone
Hey, you already have 0.6 kilometers on your truck, you must roll it around in that big old shop a lot. I bet you sit inside it and make engine noise too...vroom!
I thought the first time you sit in any project vehicle with a steering wheel in your hand that was mandatory.
welded the adaptor rings in place and made the shifter into the dash i am using the shifter assembly from the silverado steering column i will probably shorten the shifter handle a bit more and bend a small radius to it
wow !...great job on the dash. I recall the neighbors 55 Plymouth had a small lever in almost that same location for the automatic transmission. Being a kid at the time, I couldn't understand how such a small lever could make the car shift gears.
Sander, Been meaning to throw in some of my comments. Just wanted to say that you are sure going to have one neat and low slung car hauler. Looking forward to more updates. Dave
thanks again for the thumbs up i have finished up the other runningboard on the right side and have been playing with the steering shaft setup
have been working on some floor pans and welded them in place also made a cover for the steering shaft will also make a piece to cover it up to the column bracket