It was great to meet you! Im the guy (Mark) at the parts store Bumper to Bumper in Scott City, KS. Sweet car! And wishing you all the luck on missing the storms here and getting home safe! Good luck!
Anytime a road trip thread comes up on the HAMB it causes me to become restless. I still subscribe and follow along though.
Keep on chasin' those lines!----Better weather will be waiting for you. Anticipating more pix!!----Don
weather has been crap, but it's all part of it. lunch at boot hill Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
St Louis is out due to rain belting i70. Running south east. Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
Stay dry brother! I hope you don't mind that I swiped your sunset pic and put it on my Instagram. Such a great shot!
Best of luck, long road trips in hot rods are so much better than driving new stuff. Adventure is in every mile!
Day two is a wrap. 400 more miles down. There is something very unique to driving a long haul in a roadster. You have a connection to everything around you, even more so then on a bike I feel. There is no helmet, no curtain of sorts to block the sights, sounds and smells. I am fully convinced it takes a different type of person to go at the long run without the protection from the elements ( other then a windshield, and rain coat.) I feel I am learning more about myself and this car with every mile that passes. That is what I love about the road. No radio, no distractions that are self induced. You are just there, fully there. You can learn a great deal about yourself, your ride and your country by just getting out on the roads in a car that is devoid of the built in comforts and entertainment that many have come to take for granted. I am still on the back roads. The weather started out terrible, and was pretty crappy through most of the day. That part of it right? Hot rodding is not just about the road, its about everything connected to it. Even breaking down on the side of it. I have been super lucky so far with any little mishaps. Yesterday was saved by some kind folks, and today I got a hand from some as well. (Mark at bumper to bumper and his co workers) So I pulled into a small town to grab another layer to stack on because it got god awful out. Rainy cold and gross. During my oil check and such I noticed my fan bracket at come loose and slacked the belt. No 5/8 wrench in my ghetto road bought kit, yet the boys came out and lent me one right quick and I was back right as rain... which it happened to be doing on and off on me. The road was kind today. Gas stations sprang up when needed, food and a pisser as well when it came time. Some cool little things here and there to catch the eye. Cant complain there. What did strike me as new today was how people react to this car. I have had a few great cars from the early 30s, but none pull people in like this little girl does. People cant help but find something they need to say or need to show in some form of expression when the see it. Waves, smiles, neck snapping wheel turning reactions. Women, Men and children just seem to be drawn to it. Maybe its a mix of the fact its out in nasty weather, running the roads hard. Not hidden away, not being babied. Maybe its something else. None the else its so great to see the smiles on the folks faces.
for some reason it will not let my post pics. Seems the security on this connection is blocking it or something. I will try tomorrow.
Awesome! You're doing something that very few even realize they're missing out on. You're actually LIVING the dream. Feels good, don't it?
Keep us posted! What a great story to find such a car and an even better story getting to drive it long distance!
from my phone. Won't let me from mac. Got some killer ones coming as soon as I can. Yes, I am aware of how good I have it. Very aware. Thanks all. Wish you were all rolling in a line with me. Hmmm that's an idea. Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!