Hey fellas, Ive been lucky enough to have cruised around for a few years without ever needing major roadside repair. However, I know I really need to get a toolbox together to keep with me at all times and wanted your help... So fellas, What do you keep in a roadside toolkit at all times? Thanks in advance!
Yeah, my 27 has no room anywhere for any tools except for the 9/16 inch wrench I carry to uncap my headers. Don
Due to the limited area under the seat of my T Bucket, I have a little parts store tool kit that I emptied into a mesh bag. I also have a tire plugging kit, duct tape, screw drivers, zip ties, assorted fuses, electrical tape, a mini flash light, windshield cleaner, razor blades, assorted nuts and bolts, shop rags, mechanic gloves, a spare set of tail light bulbs, a loop of wire, vise grips and a knife.
On my 23 I did have an empty space under the passenger seat and I used that to hold some emergency tools and supplies. Mainly it was a 3/8 drive socket set, an assortment of box and open end wrenches, vice grips, pliers, screwdrivers, a hammer, plus electrical and duct tape, a 12 volt test light, some electrical wire and terminal ends, rags, a flashlight, and wire ties. I actually had to use it a few times far from home, so it came in handy. Don
It was all jammed in there pretty tight so nothing really moved much. The reason I suggested the phone and AAA card is that some repairs are just not going to happen along the interstate. I blew a water pump at about 60 mph in my 27 and got showered with hot antifreeze. Since I didn't have another pump (a special, hard to find Ford Racing pump) we just called AAA and had them take us home where I could fix it at my leisure. Don
Wow, bet that shower wasn't too pleasant! I'm not gonna lie and say AAA is a great idea! You are absolutely correct, I actually joined AAA earlier this year, I may not be old enough for senior discounts but I sure get AAA discounts!
100% on those items without fail!!! Ahhhhh priorities ^^^Nice! ^^^ I was hoping for something like that on our roadster, but when I ended up going to a Caravan seat, that area went by the wayside. But I did turn the solid back into a folding one, and now there will be a long pouch attached to the back of the seat for tools. (ie: set of wrenches, few sockets, few pliers screw drivers) Somewhere I am going to have to stash a small jack, and a special slide hammer I made to remove the top-hats off the rear reversed rims.....yup my roadster actually has a spare tire....at least at this point)
I've seen a similar thread on the Craigslist Auto forum. Items range from a screwdriver and a pair of pliers to half of a garage worth of stuff. Of course, you then get the wiseguy stuff of: .44 Mag, 12 Gauge, fifth of Jack, condoms, etc.
I keep enough to change a belt, hose, fuel pump and tire. As stated before, other than that its more than likely going to be more than a roadside repair. A charged cell phone with a towing company number or a friend with a car trailer. In 35 years of cars we had one time that it was more than the above, a broken oil pump drive on a car with the pan too close to remove without pulling the motor...
Points, condenser, rotor, sparkplugs, mini socket set, with sparkplug socket, crimpers, some basic connectors, trans fluid, engine oil, a gas can (if you can fit it), water, duct tape, electrical tape, tire plug kit, screwdrivers, pliers, hoseclamps, zip ties, bailing wire, fuses, bulbs, starter fluid and that's all...
Tow strap, fix a flat, set of cheapo metric and US wrenches, mini flash light, pliers, screw driver with multi bits, cheapo socket set metric and US. channel locks, crescent wrench, fuses, grease rag, circuit tester at least. Also have a fire extinguisher aboard and a credit card in my wallet and a cell phone............no spare tire,tho.
I also carry a few extra nuts and bolts, Electric wire. I was at an event on the other side of the state and a friend had a flat tire on the interstate late at night with no place around to repair it and no spare. The whole in the tire was about 5/16 so I ran one of my spare 3/8 bolts in the tire's new vent and it held air to get us back to the motel and the next day we aired it back up and got it to a tire store for a repair. I have also used automotive electric wire to jump circuits and used it as bailing wire to get me in. They take little room and can be a big help to get you in if you day goes bad.
Pretty much the same as most of the others plus a full set of wiring schematics, gallon of water, oil, jumper cables, a good fluke meter (fuel injection) electrical tape and a tow strap. It helps to have a truck with a tool box in the bed. '46 Fasttoys
I may be in the "carrys too much catagory" 1st things first... J-B Quick, or Quick Steel. My god, if you anything, carry that putty stuff. Rest of the tool bag. *3/8th rachet set, shallow & deep. breaker bar, screwdriver set, pliers, needle nose, vice grips (needle & standard), ball peen hammer, allen wrench set, gear wrench set, feeler gauges, wire brushes, razor baldes, hacksaw & blades, wire tool (crimp & strip) extra connectors, multimeter, flashlight (two of um) torx bits, specialty bits, nut-drivers for my screw driver, channel locks (BIG & little), duct tape, quick steel putty, F-4 (Fusion tape, awesome livesaver), speed tape, extra wire, zip ties, safety-wire .032, fuses, electrical tape, rubber gloves, safety glasses, sun glasses (i like an extra set ), file set, hose clamps, extra fuel line, vaccum caps, lighters, extra hardware *in 2 other crates- 1 gallon 15-40 oil, 1 gal trans fluid, 2gal water, 1gal coolant, 1gallon gas... (fixing it is worthless if you've lost all your fluid ) can of degreaser, contact cleaner, PB blaster, tire sealant & inflator, tire plugs, patches, tire spoons, shop rags, funnel, rachet strap, bungies, batterys, jumper cables, tow strap. leatherman Wave, $100, Flask of bourbon (if all else fails). For the price of a tool bag & two small crates i can fix whatever comes my way (within reason) However i pretty much use it all to fix my friends sh*t. those who failed to prepare. I transfer this between my Jeep and hotrod. However, the jeep part probally dictates alotta this (see- miles from nowhere and broke), but its good to have in the rod. I've helped lots of folks who are AOG on the road side. Its a plus of having a sedan with a trunk
That Quick Steel saved me going to viva!!! i blew a water pump backplate seal. Woulda been seriously SOL. I let it cool down, grab some putty, mash it up, mash it in, give it 15 min, filler-er up, ran all weekend without leaking a drop.