Joe & Corey LaCosta? If so, how? Did anyone see the rail car Joe LaCosta drove for Pat Akin & Belmont Sanchez? If so, what color was it? All I saw was the photo in black and white. Thank You & God Bless!
This photo? This is the former Gireth & Oliphant car. I believe Jack Chrisman drove it at one point. Joe LaCosta (RIP) owned LaCosta Headers in Orange County, CA
Remember it well, metallic dark red, sort of shows up in the above photo...Joe LaCosta, Pat Akins, Belmont "beachball" Sanchez, all now deceased, don't know what happened to the dragster.
Thank you Tim! It was a GORGEOUS car! Wish I knew where it was/is! Probably in Joe's garage with his Pit Eagle By Planes & Shelby Cobra!!!!
296ardun thank you for describing my father's car. I was mesmerized by the sleekness of the body if it. Do you know Joe personally? Why is several people under the impression he's dead? One post said he saw him walking around Bonneville. My mother said he lives in Ca. I found him to be in San Ysidro.
I assume by your adoption posts and insisting hes still alive,,,, hes your dad? If so, have you found him? Would be cool to see you two in a reunion pic (providing it goes well) and that would very much lay to rest the issue if hes alive or not.
Yes he's my birth father. He is alive as I have spoken to his distant cousin and his close friend from home. He doesn't want anything to do with me and that is ok with me. I've existed without him as well. I only want medical information and to know if I have siblings and if they are ok. I am not and it's related to my birth mother's side of the family. I lost my two older half brothers to Kidney Disease and a first cousin. I learned Friday night that the cousin I lost, his brother died from it as well last week. Our mothers were sisters. theirs is deceased and mine is still alive. She as well, told me Joe is alive. I found him through his photo on here to have two by plane Pit Eagles in the garage proving fruitful in pilot licenses in Ca. He's in San Ysidro. He also owns a Shelby Cobra, '65 mint condition, powder blue, rare due to the color. the Shelby Cobra is photographed by his friend Robert T. Faust. Go to My Friend Joe LaCosta-Cobra Club Photo Gallery. When THAT comes up highlighted in blue, click on it and then scroll up to see Joe's picture inside his garage with a fuselage to a plane.
I would however like him to have my phone number if anything were to ever happen to him and I could donate anything medically. Although now, I am Stage 3 Kidney Disease like the other kids in my generation. I DO worry about my three younger half brothers as they don't know I exist. Nor my late older brother's son. I know of his whereabouts as well as younger brothers, and names. That's more than I can say about Joe's kids, if he has any more, other than me! I am glad and happy for him that he pursued his dream and was quite successful obtaining that dream. I DO wish him a lifetime of happiness and great health. I am always open to meeting him and for him to know his grandsons and great grandchildren and a great great granddaughter on the way around Aug. 9th. Do you know if Corey is related to Joe?
This is the strangest thread I have read on here in a long time. I hope that it all works out for you with your health issues. I am going to have to read it again in case I missed something or whatever the point was. Was there another thread?
I just dunno ... you gotta respect your old mans wishes for whatever reason, they are his wishes. Seems like your sorta dogging him by posting family info on an otherwise ALL ABOUT CARS forum. ... not a very good approach if you want to mend any broken fences. Like I said before, best of luck on your quest but, dang, give some consideration on your approach .... go to San Ysidro and camp on his porch, that is more civil. The public soap opera really isn't necessary ... just my opinion.
Ummmm... You might want to consider editing a couple of your previous posts. Mr. Lacosta might understandably not wish to have a listing of some of his personal possessions posted here in this manner. It just doesn't seem like information that needs to be here for all to see and isn't really relevant to your search. Good luck in your research.
Joe in Belmont Sanchez's Studebaker comp coupe at Bonneville, about 1962. I met joe in the spring of '61 at Ak Miller's shop. We were building our first Stude coupe and Joe came by to offer some do's and don'ts bsed on his experience driving the Sanchez coupe since 1957.
Not dogging him at all. I am proud he followed his heart, and passion. Many people have that kind of love for racing, cars and let their passion fly by not pursuing it due to health, money or whatever reason. God Bless Joe Always. I AM impressed with a land speed of 195.36 MPH July of 59. Are the railcars light in weight? I look at the design and just get the feeling their not that heavy. I'm a rookie but interested in cars since a teenager. So curious and anxious to learn whatever I can for myself. Isn't that speed impressive for back then? Do they still race railcars today? if so, where as I haven't heard of any.