I have an old sign painters box filled with goodies and was looking to sell it. The only thing is I dont really know how much one of these would go for. Any help is great.
Really hard to say without a detailed account of what is inside.From the pics it it looks like there may be some gold leaf stuff.The brushes if they are in good shape would be salable. I am always on the lookout for stuff like this but the shipping costs from California are prohibitiive(for me anyway).I would check some local sign painters in your area to see if there is any interest there. E-bay isn't really a good idea unless it is advertised properly. The last one I got I swapped a stripe job for so the price is relative.
Yeah I wont put the box on Ebay. I would rather keep it safe and sound then put it on there. But before placing it anywhere I would give all the Hamb members first dibs. I actually got it at an Estate sale a couple of years back.
Neat box Daddyo.... Drop me an Email and we can talk about a fair price. Im looking for a kit to take to local shows that can hold my brushes and things when I pinstripe...... Stay Coooooool!! And Retro! Retrosigns@comcast.net
he did buy it i knew the guy with the box and it took forever for him to get it .. i got a cool ass wood pinstriping brush from safariknut for helping him with it
I just started a new thread about another old sign painters / pin stripers box that is about to go up for sale. I will do some cataloging of brushes but look up the post and shoot me a message if interested, I will provide some pictures.
Vintage materials like these are sometimes cooler than the cars they've worked on. Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
Yes, I just found one at a estate sale also. It is on ebay now if anyone is interested. Thanks Ross https://www.ebay.com/itm/Vintage-Si...h=item3fa756c418:g:yMcAAOSwNDVbZvN4&_sacat=0& Yes, I just found one at a estate sale also. It is on ebay now if anyone is interested. Thanks Ross https://www.ebay.com/itm/Vintage-Si...inters+box&_from=R40&rt=nc&_trksid=m570.l1313