I would pay money to see the interview with Vin Diesel where that break dancing video is played. I laughed so hard I cried.
Right on! I grew up in South Santa Monica/Venice area and my older sis was into hardcore/thrash/metal. That was a cool scene in the early 80's, suicidal, zephyr, alva etc. I remember all her long haired stoner friends. They seemed pretty cool to a young impressionable kid, We didn't have a lot of money growing up, so I've been into "vintage" ever since I can remember! Plus we're mexican so we've been "upcycling" since before it was cool. LOL Then as a teen, I was pretty into the graffiti scene. Now of course its called "street art". I Hung out with the muscle car guys in High school, and raised hell. We were the last generation to get to cruise Hollywood and Whittier. I think those days are gone now... then the 50's revival scene was really something special in the 90's before it got out of hand. Glad to have been there to witness it. I guess I've been pretty lucky to have grown up where I did and been in the midst of a lot of cool shit. Oh yeah! i'm so rockabilly i brush my teeth with my wirebrush after i cleaned my engine with it. I'm so rockabilly in preschool I stabbed my teacher with a switchblade and then combed my hair. I'm so rockabilly when I was born the doctor said I slid out real easy because my hair was greased. I'm so rockabilly when I was born and the doctor slapped me I didn't cry because I'm so tough. Dude, I totally know what you mean. I've been dealing with a bunch of personal/family stuff lately and some of these threads lately have been hilarious. Plus the only thing that I have running right now is my pennyfarthing bike! Been super busy at work. Looking forward to things calming down so's I can get back on the roadster! Funny thing is now, I dont even want to take it to any shows. Maybe just father's day roadster show, or PRC reliabilty run if they do it again. Or just cruise around town and PCH. I guess I'm kinda over it all. I sound like such a hipster . speaking of which, Im totally ordering some of your mustache wax for my ironic "Doc Holiday hipster mustache"! Seriously nothing else works...
I know you're making fun of me, and that's fine, but your comments really reminded me of this movie. If you guys haven't seen it, it's a MUST HAVE if you want to see a funny look at rockabilly - and an 18yr old Salma Hayek - and it's available for five bucks from Wal-Mart.
Not at all man, just sounded so over the top cool that it was funny. made me think of those "Im so rockabilly" posts or this guy. hahaha hell yeah, got that one on my shelf! hahahahahahahahaha, hahahahahahahahaha, alright. I'd better stop before I get banned!
I think he was actually talking about the "report" button, so the moderators can get rid of the OT crap easier...
I'll drink to that. Funny how this thread has induced personal Cool testamonials . . . "Lie down on the sofa, get comfortable, tell me about when you were Cool . . . "
no I know what he meant. There's been a lot of OT stuff on here lately but its been hilarious during stressful times, and its like a trainwreck. You cant help but look. It's nice to just BS with other gearheads on here. I'm sure they'l start cracking down sooner or later. Hey how about another Tech Week?!
Cool? Frank, Dean, Sammy, now that's fuckin cool. Always will be. But then again, so is Tom Petty. "Breakdown" has to be a forever cool tune. Just as jeans and leathers and t-shirts are cool, so is a just right suit and tie with a super cool babe on your arm. If you're lucky she KNOWS you're cool and married you. Someone mentioned Harleys and kick starts. How cool is it when it pops off with no effort, and that woman of your dreams just swoons watchin you do it, can't wait to swing a leg over the back and grab onto you. Cool... New cool? Something like Beck's "Loser". That's cool too. Punk rock was mentioned. Cool scene that really happened. Took some bros up to a local joint called Blondies on 7 mile. No bottles, no glasses, plastic cups only. No A/C either just a couple big shop fans and so fuckin hot that night we had to stand near one of em. So my pal, lookin at the plastic cup I hand him says "What the fuck kinda place is this?" holding his cup up to me. "This kind!!" as I threw my full cup of beer into the fan and sprayed all of us. We all laughed our asses off and had a bitchin time that night. It was hard core cool. I guess there's all kinds of cool, but most of us here tend to like the early kind, the original cool. Levis and boots instead of Princeton haircuts and penny loafers. Cuttin the sleeves off your sweatshirt when there's too many burn holes in em, and they look even cooler. Maynard was cooler than Dobie...
This has been a tough thread to read. If we're HAMBers, we're all striving to be "cool". But for most of us, we're chasing a vision of what has already been sanctioned as cool. We copy whatever came before us and was designated "cool" and try to bask in that glory. But real cool means following your own vision and striking out on your own. If I think Steve McQueen is the height of cool and build a '67 Highland Green Mustang to be cool ... I'm not. You can't chase cool ... you have to be cool.
Nice entry to the Journal, boss. Now about the 'cool is a phase' thing.......Cool is real(and we all are to somebody)...phases are what we go thru trying to BE cool. and Root is in the lead for the best post in this thread, imo
The search is over. Here I am. Try growing up with the last name Cool. I fought my whole life trying to figure out what cool is. Now that I've got kids, I realize cool is having a dad who says "hey come help me out in the garage" while he's building a race motor for the neighbors vette, or tuning up the babysitters 68 Impala 4 door. That's what my dad did, and thats what I'm doing. I've got a 13yr old who will drop his xbox controller in an instant to help me do a brake job on my wifes car, and a 3yr old who knows what drawer in the toolbox has the screwdrivers. To me, that's cool.
I always went for the clean cut jock preppy look,I never was into posing.It was cool 25 years ago,now it's contrived.Not that I'm against people doing what they want to do,it's just never been for me.
"Cool" as I see it seems to change and evolve as years go by. This is my current definition of cool. An unforgettable roadtrip with your family from coastal central California, out to the Lone Star Round-Up ... No, I have never met them ... http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=791211&highlight=roadtrip
This is when I was about 18. I thought I was cool. I would go to the WMCA and box in smokers. That was cool. I loved to street fight. That was cool. I drove my 51 Chevy to all the cool hang out. That was cool. Love the girls and leave them. That was cool. Drink until you passed out. That was cool. Now I'm over 70 years old. I look back and say to myself, maybe all that "so called cool", was not cool at all. But at the time I though it was cool.
Special Ed, Yup....cool.... The worst part about that.... Kids nowadays will never know the fun of riding in the back of that wagon, with all the seats folded down, a huge bed made in the back, or sitting facing the traffic behind you doing that thing with your arm to make the truckers honk their horns. ....but its still cool, thanks for the link.
You know what cool is to me? Guys that love their families more than their job. Guys that stay true to their wives. Guys that love their country and aren't scared to say so. Guys that have principles and stand on them, never wavering despite what is trendy and in at the time. Oh and Earl Scheib..... Posted using my kitchen wall rotary phone....