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Barn find like no other

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Citizen caine, Jun 26, 2013.

  1. Rusty O'Toole
    Joined: Sep 17, 2006
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    Rusty O'Toole

    Back in the 70s a local gas station put in a new fuel tank. When they dug out the old one they found a 1922 Stutz. It had been shoved in the hole for fill when they planted the first tank.
  2. kyvetteman
    Joined: May 13, 2012
    Posts: 759


    There's an old guy around here that used to deal in early vette parts. Right before he closed his shop I went and bought some stuff and he pointed across the road and told me he buried a '64 Corvette in the front porch when he built the house there.

    I asked around and apparently it's true, so it does happen. Why I don't know but it happens.
  3. hillbilly4008
    Joined: Feb 13, 2009
    Posts: 2,925

    from Rome NY

    I found my '32 axle buried in the dirt. Well I doubt it was buried, more like sank in and decades of leave and foliage decay on top of it.

    My property was vacant for almost a decade before I got it. When I bought my house there were some collapsed buildings on my property, loaded with car parts. Mostly radiators, intakes, and brake drums. Someones scrap stash. When it came time to cleanup the buildings I scrapped all of it, accept for the few goodies I found. 348-409 tripower setup, Corvette super sport rims with big and littles, early mustang parts, and a big ol' stack of hub caps.

    To the side of where the barn originally stood was a mound of wood grown over with vines. My buddies father comes over and says "I bet there is a car under all that shit" So we started digging and sure enough there sat a complete '67 Dodge Coronet 440. Slight front end damage and totally protected by the roofing shingles that landed on it when the barn fell over on it. We found another '69 Coronet while I was clearing brush about 50feet from the first car. This one wasn't in such good of condition...

    a few months after I moved in the previous owner asked if I found his old aluminum Mopar intake. Ofcourse I was curious so he went on to tell me about his 4x2 setup he had sitting on the shelf before the barn came down.

    Well its been 6 years and I haven't found it yet!
  4. tommyd
    Joined: Dec 10, 2010
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    from South Indy

    That'll buff out.
  5. Al Napier
    Joined: Feb 6, 2007
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    Al Napier
    from Central CT

    When I was a kid living in Unionville, CT there was a big hole along River Road near Taine Mountain Road that was full of old cars. I wanted to retrieve what I thought was a 55 Chevy but my parents nixed the idea.

    Today it is probably filled and forgotten, or emptied maybe, as there are big dollar houses in the area now. I haven't been there in quite some time so I don't know for sure.

    Al in TN
  6. Atwater Mike
    Joined: May 31, 2002
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    Atwater Mike

    When I lived in the coastal area of Santa Cruz, I had bought 2 F100s. One was painted with green housepaint, it was the parts truck...had a decent 272 Y-block, but I didn't need it, advertised with no takers.
    My pal Ronny and I dug a 6' X 5' hole, 4 feet deep...In the ol' 272 went. Everything but the carb.

    Ex wife needed the dirt. Looking back, I buried the wrong dog.
  7. Bryan G
    Joined: Mar 15, 2011
    Posts: 190

    Bryan G
    from Delmarva

    I know where a bunch of T's are buried-an old town dump. Bad news, the state built a highway over it 60 years ago.
  8. T&A Flathead
    Joined: Apr 28, 2007
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    T&A Flathead

    I dug up a 20-23ish model T touring body after i tripped over the windshield station sticking up thru the dirt. It was in a field with a bunch of junk farm equipment. The body is actually savable. I gave the farmer $2 for it cause that is how much gas he thought he used helping me dig with the bucket on is ford 8n.
  9. manyolcars
    Joined: Mar 30, 2001
    Posts: 9,382


    After WWII, the Army buried 500 Harleys at Ft Polk, Louisiana. This story has been verified. Theres a subdivision there now
  10. Itchy-Pit
    Joined: May 7, 2008
    Posts: 520


    My grandfather had an old gas station in New Rochelle, NY. Had a buddy up state with a Dairy Farm. He would bring up A's and T's from the shop and store them there for Ice racing in the winter as entertainment. Somewhere up there in a lake is a LOT of old Fords. Suggest you boys out East bring along some tackle next time on the lake..
  11. Hey! That's it!! Tell the FBI that it is Hoffa and they'll dig it out for you ;) :cool:
  12. hillbilly4008
    Joined: Feb 13, 2009
    Posts: 2,925

    from Rome NY

    My uncle told me stories of Island communities in the Adirondack Park full of old As and Ts. They drove them to the islands in the winter, then in the summer they drove them all over the islands.

    Another old timer told me that in the 50's-60's they hunters would buy old jalopies for $15 and use them to haul all their gear into the woods. When they were done they just left them there.
  13. in 69 0r 70 my friend and i buried a 64 cad deville convertible in his back yard that ran good
    had no title
    there was a big old brick septic tank I barrowed a back hoe and used the car for fill
    this is in Santa Venicia Ca
  14. also in the 60's I was getting model a parts from cars in the Lucas Valley creak in CA
  15. The Barracuda should stay buried, it buried a spectator......
  16. Bart78
    Joined: May 11, 2011
    Posts: 717


    My grandfather burried a 38 deluxe woodie. We had a old barn that fell down. It damaged the wood pretty good on the car. He burried it and the barn together. This was around thirty years ago.
  17. leon renaud
    Joined: Nov 12, 2005
    Posts: 1,937

    leon renaud
    from N.E. Ct.

    I know where there are around 100 pre ware cars just pushed over a banking some are in the swamp below. The farm their on was home to 5 men who all became mechanics in this area and each owned his own garage. They all used the "back 40" of the homestead as a storage yard for their shops overflow, At some point they sold gravel to the state when a new highway was being built these "Old junks" were now "In the way" and "Not worth a penny each" so they just got shoved over the banking and landed where they may some on the hillside and a bunch in 3 or 4 feet of swamp water they are still sitting there but the land is now owned by new owners and I can't get in contact with them But when I got to walk the property with the old guy who lived there some 15 years back I could count at least 20 old fords in the swamp alone that's not counting the cars I couldn't identify by the exposed running gear. This place is in Woodstock Ct.
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2013
  18. leon renaud
    Joined: Nov 12, 2005
    Posts: 1,937

    leon renaud
    from N.E. Ct.

    I believe it buried several and I don't know how Kyle is about it but the rest of the Petty clan don't even want it mentioned. I visited the museum at Richards house the "Old race shop" and I don't even think I saw anything about it in there. I "Bought" 1 square inch of "Petty Enterprises" some time in the 60s for 10$ when they "Sold" interests in the petty farm to raise money to race! Of course you had to go there in person to file your deed! only 1 lady ever actually filed her papers. I used to tell my boys about this and they never believed me but the day my oldest son brought me to the shop museum I was a wise ass to my kid and pointed to a floor drain and told him "I bet my inch is under there " one of the museum workers heard me and asked if I still had my papers because the papers were selling for between 2,500 and 3,000 even though they were not legal deeds but as collectables.Those papers burned in our house fire long before I even thought about marriage and kids! If you find the book The Richard Petty story there's the forms in the back to fill out and send along with your 10$!
  19. I dug a big ole' hole once and all I found was a bunch of dirt. But I did pull a beam axle out of some concrete I busted up. The guy who put it there probably thought "no-one will ever find this!!".
  20. Hot Rods Ta Hell
    Joined: Apr 20, 2008
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    Hot Rods Ta Hell

    Have you tried Google Earth? Sometimes you can zoom in pretty good.
  21. Okie Pete
    Joined: Oct 29, 2008
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    Okie Pete

    Any thing that is steel that got buried around here has returned to the earth . very acidic soils.
  22. Heard of a '51 Olds ragtop buried as fill in the end of someone's driveway.

    Know where a half-buried '37 Chevy pickup sits down a steep embankment and cabled to some trees to keep it out of a creek. What's out of the ground is solid, what's in the dirt not so much.

    Near the warehouse my buddy has is a spot where fill was dumped as part of a road project. Apparently there's several vehicles at the bottom under the dirt.

    And I did pull the last bits of a Model T out of what must have been a farm dump - lots of old bottles and things there too - in a town park. I had the steering and cowl at my house as a kid but they got stolen.
  23. lewk
    Joined: Apr 8, 2011
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    from Mt

    There's supposed to be an entire junkyard buried near here in the 60's and 70's. A nearby lumber mill used to dump sawdust near it, later on it. My dad remembers pulling VW parts out of there to keep his bus running as the sawdust slowly swallowed it. He says there was a lot of early stuff. The river banks in this area are all covered with 30's 40's and 50's stuff near railroad bridges for erosion control rip rap. I've been pulling chunks out for my '35. Dad also had a friend with a hot wedge head Coronet that he used to drag race. The guys dad got drunk and bounced it off some guard rails so they buried it in the family brick yard upside down and bought a new Road Runner. I like to imagine that motor, upside down, nice and oily, just waiting for me.
  24. TheEngineer
    Joined: Jul 17, 2012
    Posts: 239

    from New Mexico

    Buy a human bone online, dig a little hole and tell the cops you found the bone in the hole. It doesn't need to be Jimmy Hoffa. We found a leg bone once looking for a water line in the front yard. My mom took it to the police to see if they could tell us that it wasn't human and The El Paso Police Department dug up the entire front yard for us free of charge. ;)
  25. LWEL9226
    Joined: Jul 7, 2012
    Posts: 353

    from So. Oregon

    After I went in the service my dad buried a 46 Ford coupe (mine), a 41 Ford 2 door sedan, and a 41 Ford 4 door somewhere near our place. He never would tell me where, afraid I would dig them up.
  26. Its been a few hours since i posted in this thread. You got any digging done yet? Dont let the dark stop you, floodlights are cheep. Lol, if i was there, id have that old jalopy half out by now! Lol.
  27. GlenC
    Joined: Mar 21, 2007
    Posts: 757


    In about 1959 I used to play in an 'old car' in my neighbour's back yard. It was a complete car, even had the keys in the ignition. They'd hosted an American student who'd bought it to drive while he was here in Australia, then he'd just parked it in the back paddock when he went home.

    In about 1962, they subdivided all the back paddocks off our blocks and build a subdivision. The little old car was still there, so they ran the dozer over it a couple of times to flatten it, then dug a hole and buried it under what would be the new road.

    In October 1963, I 'discovered' hot rodding as a 15 year old school kid, and very quickly realised the old car I'd played in just those few years previously was a mint condition Model A sports coupe.


  28. 30FordNerd
    Joined: Oct 5, 2012
    Posts: 274


    Start digging then.
  29. Belchfire8
    Joined: Sep 18, 2005
    Posts: 1,540


    Where I hunt in the upper peninsula of Michigan there is an old farm across from our camp at the very end of a long dirt road. There was at least 40 old tractors, some steel wheeled, dozens of old trucks, from 1/2 ton I.H. Up to an of road snow thrower. On a trail into the woods there was the rear quarters of a shoebox Ford sticking out of the ground. There was also a '51 Kaiser sinking into. The ground. There was a pile of '51-'53 Buicks cut up into pieces. There was at least four different Buicks in that pile and nearby was a 46-48 Ford sedan body shell. Out in the woods is piece of a model A frame chained to a tree. (?) the local guys, when they were kids, had access to dynamite from the iron mines in the area and had blown up a car they dragged out into the woods. They dynamited this car so many times that I had a hard time identifying it. I believe it was a 52-54 Ford judging by the bumpers and a glove box door. Sadly they bulldozed the entire farm and hauled away all the cars, trucks and machinery two years ago. I did find a Caddy sombrero wheel cover last year laying in the brush.
  30. Citizen caine
    Joined: Apr 28, 2013
    Posts: 59

    Citizen caine

    I'm do go out and stand in the yard and wonder what is under all that dirt.
    But at this time I do not intend on digging.
    I'm thinking next summer.

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