Hyder Bros '34, another vote for Mike Sullivans Fiat, and Jack Mullins all conquering SS Pontiac wagon.
Mine, of course. And the Tony Waters & Sughrue roadster. First fuel roadster to go 180. When roadsters were really roadsters. And DeSoto powered
There are just so many but here are two that made a huge impression on me when I really first discovered drag racing. I just loved these cars! Like many of us, I hung this center spread on my wall and stared at it every day! Beautiful car! The '68 Warlord might just be my all time favorite. Might just be the first real F/C that I saw in person. The jewel eye in the dragon's head was just too cool! WF
Yup...me too, around the mid '60s. I guess that's a big part of why the image of that '33 Willys sticks with me. The only thing I didn't like about the model...the tires were made of the same light blue plastic as the body. Of course, I replaced them with proper rubber ones from my parts box.
Number three. I saw the run described in the caption. Tony Waters' little De Soto powered roadster was right there with Speed Sport for being bad ass.
Number four. I saw Cub Barnett make a run in Scotty's roadster at Colton in 1960. The 8 full length headers on the Ardun sounded as good as you would expect.
Beebe and Mulligan Tom Kansas John. The first drag race I saw on TV was his burn down with Garlits at the nations. So many great drag cars out there the list could go on forever
The Filthy Forty because i loved Pork Zartman and the S&S Race Team are the nicest bunch of people you could ever meet.
Dean Lowe: Thanks for the picture of the Waters & Sughrue roadster. Real Ford parts. And the very young Cub.
Sooo many.... OCMP... Black Beauty... Stellings & Hampshire... GBP... Tommy Ivo... Freight Train... Yellow Fang... Surfers...
You're welcome Rich. Here's another one taken after the blower exploded just before the lights at the 1960 March meet. I was standing at the finish line and the hood landed about 6 feet from me.
While I'm at it, this is my number 5. Norm Cowdry's SBC powered Healey was a real thorn in the side of the A/GS boys. While the best of the blown gassers were running 10.0's, Norm was running 9.80's, kicking their asses in little eliminator at national meets.
Rich Finch and Dean Lowe you guys took the words, or should I say pictures, right out of my mouth. Another couple of favorites, Ernie's Shutter Bug Mazmanian's Vette
Another couple of my favorites, but O/T, so no pics, Jim Van Cleve's SS/C 427 Fairlane ht. And Dave Wrens "questionable" SS/B '64 Plymouth. I saw the first full throttle pass on Wrens car, before it was painted. Stood it on the back bumper, back wheels came off the ground, came down hard, smashed the pan and headers all to hell. Dave and I were bench racing about it decades later, he laughed and told me he was really rattled, never left with the motor that high again, for the entire time he raced that car.
It is definatly hard to pick a favorite,but the first one that poped in my head was Dean Lowe's roadster pickup.
My uncle's B/Gas 55 Chevy (called the Mind Bender), I had a room full of trophy's as a kid that he gave me. Jungle Jim early Nova. Shark Corvette. This Car (that I currently crew on and helped build): Al in TN
The Whoopee Car - not famous like most of the cars already mentioned. It was an A/GAS Anglia from the DC area and very entertaining car to watch. It was a wheelie king. That and Gene Altizer's Pak Rat are why I still blow good money on drag cars.
Man, how could I leave the Chi-Town Charger off my list! another O/T car though. Steve Woods Colt Wagon was pretty memorable too.
Here ya go George...caravaned lots of miles up & down the Coast racing with (and against) Steve. Great guy...oh, and his daughter lives in my neighborhood here in Rocklin.