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History Followed a B-17 today! FLIGHT PICS ADDED!!

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Toast, Jun 27, 2013.

  1. Malcolm
    Joined: Feb 9, 2006
    Posts: 8,084

    from Nebraska

    Very very cool... quite a day!!
  2. Search Dog
    Joined: Oct 30, 2012
    Posts: 112

    Search Dog
    from Western CT

    My Dad was a bazookaman with Patton's Army in the Black Forest late in the War. He spoke about the sky turning dark with the amount of planes in the air.
    My US history teacher in high school was a top turret gunner on a -29 that flew missions over Japan. He told the story of sitting in his turret with his eyes closed and feet up on the tunnel the tailgunner used to get to his position. There was a loud noise, followed by a whooshing noise. He woke up to find a flak hole in both the top and bottom of the plane, and when he drew the mental line between the two holes the shrapnel piece had gone between his legs!! Spent much time after that thinking about if the plane had been going just a few tenths of a mph slower...
  3. 296ardun
    Joined: Feb 11, 2009
    Posts: 4,689


    My wife and I saw it as we landed in Dayton, took son-in-law to see it fly at the Dayton airshow, but tragically a wingwalker and her pilot died at the show before Fifi flew and they understandably canceled the show...saw it earlier at Montgomery and got my youngest daughter a chance to sit in it...we need to pass the knowledge of these planes to the younger generation.
  4. thetwistedpiston
    Joined: Sep 3, 2011
    Posts: 105


    Not to hijack this thread but speaking of B-17s, here's the hot rod I'm working on..
    My dream job, the ultimate fab work in my opinion. Being built virtually from scratch. ...I hope I live long enough to see it fly.




  5. Can't get enough of these WWII warbirds. We in central FLA, are so lucky to live close to several teriffic airplane museums. Have seen this aircraft in person, and it is unreal.

    I highly recommend any of you, whom are interested in this subject matter, beg, borrow or steal a copy of this true story. Absolutely amazing !!

    A Higher Call: An Incredible True Story of Combat and Chivalry in the War-Torn Skies of World War II

    Orlando Misfires C.C.
  6. Truckedup
    Joined: Jul 25, 2006
    Posts: 4,660


    I believe the work force was union in WW2

    The B-29 program cost more than the Manhattan A bomb project.The B-29 came close to cancellation many times.It was keep going because the US figured the B-29's would be needed to finish off Germany. It was not combat ready when pressed into service in 1944. The engines were unreliable and were not able to deliver the performance needed. These issues were eventually solved near the end of the war.
  7. Muttley
    Joined: Nov 30, 2003
    Posts: 18,501


    Here's some awesome stuff about Bud Anderson, pilot of the famous Old Crow:


  8. lbrunkala
    Joined: Jun 16, 2007
    Posts: 357


    Wow, great pictures! Thanks for posting!
  9. Ramblur
    Joined: Jun 15, 2005
    Posts: 2,101


    Here's the latest addition to the Fantasy of Flight attraction next door to me. Howard Hughes 1937 Sikorsky S-43. Originally modified for an around the world record attempt the Army came looking to commandeer it in 1943. Howard hid it out in Vegas and used it to 'entertain' Hollywood starlets till the Army caught up with him. During testing on Lake Mead, with Howard at the controls it crashed and sunk in over 100' of water. Two crew members were killed and Howard seriously injured. He paid to have it pulled out of the lake and totally rebuilt. I believe he last flew it in 1952,it was then kept under armed guard in Houston till his death. Here, it joins Kermits hoard of WWI and II aircraft that includes B-17,24,25,26,29 bombers in addition to the many fighters,etc. Well worth the trip if your ever in central Fla.

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    Joined: Jul 25, 2009
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    I had the privilege of being allowed to walk-around and peek inside the windows of that airplane for a few, short minutes while it was still "locked-away" in that small, dark, undisturbed hangar space on Hobby Airport in the '70s. Kermit should "do it justice". DD
  11. 62RagtopNova
    Joined: Feb 5, 2012
    Posts: 115


    If you are ever in the D.C. area arrange to take the tour of the Garber restoration facility where all of the Smithsonian aircraft are stored and refinished. I've taken the tour three times over 20 years and it's fascinating for anyone who appreciates both building machinery and admiring form not to mention history.

    You need to make appointments months ahead of time. It's worth it.
  12. Blacktop Graffiti
    Joined: May 2, 2002
    Posts: 964

    Blacktop Graffiti

    A Higher Call is one of the best books I've ever read. It is amazing.
  13. Da Tinman
    Joined: Dec 29, 2005
    Posts: 4,222

    Da Tinman

    Lookie what followed me to the shop today!!!


    Aluminum Overcast! Made my day/week/month! After seeing Sentimental Journey earlier this year, getting to get close to another B17 has me on cloud nine!

    This time though I used my friends in low places to sneak da Studey out for a photoshoot.



    This warbird is packing a single Studebaker motor though, what a shame,,

  14. Speed~On
    Joined: Apr 28, 2011
    Posts: 1,656


    These planes are so awesome. I'm a little younger but I have a great apperciation for them.

    A few weeks ago I was at work when I heard a rumble in the sky. I looked up and to my amazement there was a B-29 Bomber (FiFi) a B-17 Bomber, (Aluminum Overcast), a B-24 Bomber (Diamond Lil) and a P51 Mustang (Brat III) flying over head! What a sight!

    After work I went home and grabbed the wife and kid. I told them, "you're coming with me because you have to see this". We drove to the airport and I took a bunch of photos. Wow, seeing and touching those planes gave me goose bumps! I made this little slide show and posted it on youtube.

    The pictures are less grainy if you don't maximize the screen. (Darn Microsoft software!)
  15. historynw
    Joined: May 26, 2008
    Posts: 806


    Man I'm hoping the ones from the Collings Foundation come calling this year my way. I'd love to get a picture of my 47 with the 17.
  16. Normant93
    Joined: Apr 23, 2009
    Posts: 152


    If you ever find yourself in Massachusetts on Father's Day, Memorial Day, or Columbus day weekend, visit the Collings Foundation in Stow MA. They Have an open house on F-day and they do WWII re-enactments on the other two weekends.
    website They also do rides in a Stearman Biplane and a Navy trainer.

    They also have an incredible vintage car & plane collection any HAMB'r would love, including vintage sprint and Indy cars. (I have no affiliation with them, just really admire the living history and preservation they provide and try to support them when I can) and they are great folks.
    I did a private group tour a few years ago and Mr. Collings spent the whole morning with us describing the history of every plane in his collection. He then excused himself and went out to cut his 'lawn' (the grass airfield) with the biggest mower I've ever seen, super nice guy!
    We live on top of a hill about 5 miles away and their planes frequently fly overhead.
    My favorite time was some years ago, I was standing on my back porch with a cup of coffee and heard the rumble of multiple rotary engines approaching, I thought "this is going to be good" and into view, at what felt like eye level, came the B-17 and the B-24, so close I could see the pilots, the sound was incredible!
  17. My dad was a co pilot on a B 17 in the mighty 8th. I'm glad they are preserving the few that are left.
  18. Thor1
    Joined: Jun 6, 2005
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    I have to admit that this thread and threads like it tend to get me choked up a little. My grandfather was a colonel in the Army and fought in the Pacific Theater. His experiences in the war had a profound affect on my dad and consequently on me. The ghosts of from that time can be haunting. My dad grew up in hot rodding as hot rodding was coming of age and the influence of machines like these beautiful planes had an impact on him and on his craft.

    Even though it was a hard time for our country it was also an amazing time. The shared sacrifice of the American people at that time is something we will never see again. The stories of the men and women that were right in the middle of the war both here at home and "over there" inspire awe and immense respect. They truly were the greatest generation.

    Toast what an awesome experience - thank you for sharing it with us.

  19. Ford52PU
    Joined: Jan 31, 2007
    Posts: 519

    from PA

    the last few weeks there have been WW2 planes traveling together to smaller airports and allowing for tours and short flights. A B17, A B24 and a P51 Mustang. The local papers have been showing guys in their 90's visiting these planes and sharing their memories. So great that some are still around.
  20. Scott Liggett
    Joined: Aug 22, 2013
    Posts: 15

    Scott Liggett
    from nebraska

    I think that plane stopped in Kearney, NE too. A coworker got pics of his '52 Suburban next to it while it was here.

    My fav bomber. Granddad was a pilot before war, stationed at Hickham when the Japanese attacked. He then went to England and flew in the 381st BG out of Ridgewell before commanding the group.

    Been lucky to get in touch with some of the guys that were there and knew Harry. He died just before I was born. I was told, as CO of the group, he would fly when the group was the lead on a bombing run.
  21. [​IMG]

    Not a B-17 but me a few years ago with Bob Hoover. B-17 is next
  22. hendo0601
    Joined: Aug 24, 2013
    Posts: 288

    from Tacoma, WA

    My grandfather was a ball-turret gunner on a B-26 Marauder called "Flak Bait." Pretty famous plane...the first Allied bomber to fly 200 missions without being shot down. The Smithsonian now has the plane and the fuselage is on display in the Air and Space Museum. I have been to see it a few times. Really cool being able to physically put my hands on such an important piece of history knowing my Grandfather was a part of it. When I told him that I had made it through selection and was assigned to 2nd Ranger Battalion he began to cry...he explained to me that on D-Day his squadron of B-26's did low level bombing on Pont du Hoc clearing out the Germans to allow the 2nd Rangers to scale the cliffs. He remembered seeing them in their boats and landing craft coming to shore as they flew over at a few hundred feet, pounding the germans with tons of bombs.
  23. 40StudeDude
    Joined: Sep 19, 2002
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    My 1960 High School Geography teacher was a tail gunner in a B-17...he ended the war when his leg got all shot up and walked with a prothesis for the rest of his life.

    I was recently in Portland, Oregon to see the progress on the B-17 at the Bomber Restaurant, it's been sitting there since 1953 and is deteriorating fast but they are trying to restore it...and it is a massive job.
    Shown here are my '55 Cadillac (lavendar) and my brother's green '54 Caddy...shot the end of July, 2013.


    The cockpit and front of the B-17 are now restored and sitting inside the museum as well as the ball turret (just below the cockpit).

    Interesting story of how the bomber got there:

    Last edited: Aug 30, 2013
  24. SMOG_GUY
    Joined: Jun 28, 2011
    Posts: 388

    from Dinuba

    My dad was a B-17 pilot. Thanks!
  25. Mike51Merc
    Joined: Dec 5, 2008
    Posts: 3,855


    Pretty sure that girl (silver with red tail) flew over my place this spring.
  26. Muttley
    Joined: Nov 30, 2003
    Posts: 18,501


    That is awesome. Definitely one of the most famous planes of WWII. Which one of these guys is your Grandfather?


    If you arent opposed to getting inked you ought to consider getting the nose art done.

  27. Muttley , that would be an awesome way to remember his Grandfather and also to show some respect for the other WW2 Veterans .

    Great Idea !

  28. hendo0601
    Joined: Aug 24, 2013
    Posts: 288

    from Tacoma, WA

    Actually, my girlfriend is a tattoo artist and she is actually working on a piece that includes the entire plane in flight over Europe. Its gonna be quite large and I cannot wait to get it done! My grandfather isnt in that picture, as the Flak Bait had many many crews during its time in service. You gotta remember that back then you only had to fly a certain number of missions before your "contract" was up. Towards the beginning of the war I wanna say it was something like 20 sorties, but at the end it was closer to 60. So for a plane that flew well over 200 missions she saw her fair share of crew changes. I have a picture of grandpa and his crew in front of the old girl around here somewhere, I will see if I can dig it up.

    Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
  29. Sentimental Journey was here a few weeks ago. A lancaster was here a few years ago. Our museum brings them in now and then. Love every minute of it when they are here.

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