Ognib, what are you using for header material? Solid alum. rod? These sbc were made with solid brass rod, and soldiered together. I found an inner race of a roller bearing the had the same radi as the brass rod, and used it as a die to bend with. Both engine parts are 1/8.
I used solid core silver bearing solder. Bends nice & smoothly & holds it's shape well while I handle the engine for doing other things. Your set looks great.
I don't post here as much as I like to,but here are a couple in progress projects fresh from the paint booth.Hey John,I believe you may have seen these since I know you post on Spotlights Board.Love your building style as well. Revell '48 Ford Convertible AMT '36 Ford
EXCELLENT work... what kind of soldering gun are you useing? I use to do a lot of slot cars in brass and a few static models. Working with brass can be both fun and frustrating.
Some more stuff from me is this Porsche kustom with filled in front lights and rear lights as well, It will have a small block chev. Second is this kustom Henry J.
I use a 60 watt iron from radio shack, then 60/40 solder with lucky bobs flux. I would much rather use metal than plastic. I learned soldering from doing slot cars too.
Some great models this week folks. I really like the dragster frame, did you work from plans or just what "looked right" because it does. Nice.
Ognib; I think you're more than ready to scratch build a whole car. You have done some great work and I'd love to see you build one from nothing but sheets and tubing.
Kenmo, thank you very much. Sprinter, after having viewed several of your builds, I feel honored by your post.
I scaled up some pictures to get it close but it is more "if it looks right, its right" I have the chassis painted and the front end done, I just need to take some pics
JimC I made a model before I restored her, rust holes and all, and wanted to do one when she was finished, but had a terrible time finding a model. Seems they don't make 65/66 kits anymore. Come on this is the car the " Pony Car" movement was named for.
I finally found one on Amazon. Real cool. Restomod kit. You could build it bone stock, restomod or full out drag. Had a couple engines, stock tires/wheels to skinny/slicks. Had tires and wheels almost like my coupe.
you can walk into any hobby shop ,hobby lobby etc and buy a 66 mustang coupe from round 2 models (original amt kit) in 1/25 scale