My 34 got delivered tonight. It made it 70 years without being molested and it took us less than 70 minutes to destroy it. The floors are perfect. The car will not need a single patch panel. Clark
That roof is probably worth some pretty good cash. Is that a Ford body? I'm assuming it is, I'm not up on my '34's
wow today i helped cut the roof off of a perfectly good hudson terreplane... heres to destroying good stuff...
Are those roadster doors then, or are they coupe doors with the tops cut off? Looks like a super sweet body, where'd you get it? I'm guessing it wasn't cheap.
No wonder you didnt call me when you got home. You have the camera and Sawzall plugged in and ready to start the second you slid it off the truck!
It's coupe doors cut. These are just cuts to get the top off. It will take a little work to make it look like a real roadster. The body wasn't too expencive. It was the cheapest I've run across. took a while to get it. We had to drool over the barn fresh 32 3 window that was in the trailer. Clark
$Hemi$ 2300's rock! Clark, fat boy got a lead on a 32 3 window too. Old built up banger in it AND original 8 prick!
any one can restore a car. it takes a rreal man to cut one up. Loking foward to seeing what you do to make the body and doors look right.
Save me a spot to grind, drill or sand. My bitch specialty. Especially since you arent going to need any floor templates. Looks nice. DLP
Sorry DLP....I've got to finnish Jman's frame and Mikey's dad's car before I can do any more to the 34 Clark
Nailhead----The ghost of Tony Nancy lives on!!!!!!!!.....Keep cutting Clarke,Tony will plug in the sawzall.
cool clark! dave is a real rat for selling you that junk huh? hahahaha good deal and that 32 was something was'nt it. good luck drew
So far no one has reminded Clark that he doesn't have a roadster, but rather a coupe with the roof sawed off. Further more, all you guys ravin about how killer it is to lop that roof off (" takes a real man to cut one up" etc.), should save that rap for chevy, dodge , buick coupes. I mean c'mon, a 33/34 Ford five or three window coupe in decent/ good condition? Whaaat!? Does ANYONE else scratch their head on that manuever? As usual, I don't know shit, etc.
Hey Clark, McFerson's (I think) in kansas sells the roadster door tops from the bead up could be easily attached to make a convincing roadster door. If that's what you are after. Actually,you propably thought of that already!
I was a little shocked, too. I'm sure Clark will actually build this car all the way through, so it's not going to be abandoned or anything like that. As far as the roof goes, think of it this way. The roof and doortops are going to be sold, and most likely used on another coupe with a mangled/butchered roof. So in the end, two hotrods will be built with this body instead of just one. Still, my hands would have been shaking during that first cut, I hope he doesn't have any second thoughts.
FIRST dibs on the old roof!!!!!!!!! Squablow is WAY off it aint worth much ;D If Clark wanted a 5w the guy he bought it from had a super roof to go with it....The man wants a 34 Roadster ,so let him have it its his to cut up if he wants!
Wow Diamond Dave cut loose with another 33-34, looks like a cool project, love to see how it progresses... So what happened to the sweet coupe