Can someone tell me what width the upper bead is on a '34 coupe quarter panel? I'm thinking 1-1/8" but would like to verify. I am also curious if it tapers as it drops to meet the lower bead? Thanks peeps!
Can you measure the 5w in a couple of places behind the door, 1/2 way, and at the merge of the wheel lip and quarter bead? Thanks man!
Also, if anyone would be willing to trace their quarter panel to make a pattern and send it to me, I would pay you for your time/ materials/ postage. Thanks.
i'll work on it tomorrow. pm me your number and maybe we can talk a little bit about what it is you need, specifically.
My '34 5w, original quarters, halfway 1 1/16th", at merge 15/16ths". Hope this is correct, will see what others measure.
sorry mike. the weekend got away from me. headed out to a cookout at my moms, but i will take some more measurements tonight, and we'll talk about the patterns. mark
Could you post some pics of your bead roller and where you bought the die you are using? I am in the market to buy a wide bead roller setup and like the width you are using. Thanks! Randy
Hey man. My bead roller is a modified HF unit here... I had the bead dies made by a friend of mine who is a machinist. I didn't really look around to see if that size bead is already made commercially though? Hope this helps.