Hey.. Club I sorta belong to had the 14th annual Fall run this past weekend. Rain'd like hell.... Anyway a few pics Pontiac Slim
Hey man...How's your little hot rod doin? I haven't see it since the roof falling on it incident..... -Abone.
Hey Slim, Your kidding, it's been raining on the east coast lately??? Nice cars and thanks for sharing the pics.
Thanks for posting the pics. Anyone there in the Knucklebusters, from Lewiston/Auburn? I was a member in '98-'00 while stationed at NAS Brunswick.
Hey... Well... tis still a rain'n here in Maine! Least we don't have to plow it yet! Well.. the coupe is in pretty good shape, I'm not fair'n all that well! Got garage #1 started and went to Mass over July 4th... Ended up in U- Mass Memorial Hsp. in bad shape... They think/thought I got either carbon monoxide or some chem poison... Still ain't back to work.. Shut down respatory system.. But still basicly alive an do'n better as they said will take time... So ain't been in the coupe since ride to Mass, buddy drove it back.. Knucklebusters! Ran with them a few years back,( too much "wax on wax off" for me,) did go to a few cruise nites in Brunswick back in the 90s... Lived down there in early 70s, used to block off route 1 and street race.. Ah those were the days.... When me go'n to Fla? Geez seems thats the question of the month! hmm.. haz to think about that one.. Anywaz thats the update from the "Badlands" Think I've got a pic of shop#1.(.Got the basic 12 speaker, 2 subs sound system almost finished....) Pontiac Slim PS>> anybody know anything about those "Walk/Don't walk" signs?
Slim! Sorry to hear your having those health issues! Sounds like more than just Carbon Dioxide poisoning. My Cousin went thru that last year. He and two buds were tuning a car in a closed garage. SMART!!! (Had the exhaust fan on and figured that was enough!!!) Anyway...they all nearly passed out and died but somehow managed to get out. Ended up having several visits to the Hyperbaric chamber to flood their bodies with pure oxygen. They were back to normal in a week. Geezzz...wonder what you did to yourself??? Glad to hear the coupe is drivable and the garage is coming along. Keep the faith...you'll be back on your feet by next season for sure!
Geez Slim I sure hope that saying about bad things coming it threes doesn't apply to you! Thanks for the pics. Sure was nice to see the sun yesterday at Staford after 9 days of rain. Dennis
Hey.. Ya on wait'n for #3 to hit! Ain't been my year for sure but I think we'll get through it...Last would I got from doc waz chemical poison Anyone know if the Road Agents event for 06 is a go? Heard "stuff" Hey Hackerbill.. you ever get stateside? Pontiac Slim