Cmon guys! Who is spreadin the hotrod tradition to the young'uns? Show some pics! Please delete I can't get my pics to show up...
Soon as my Model A comes out of the barn, my son comes out of the house with a big smile and ready to help work on it... every time.
Our twin girls came home from the hospital in the Ranch Wagon and were raised in the back seat of a 40 Ford sedan. Our girls could car less about old cars,but our oldest granddaughter loves the wagon and lil' Veda loves to ride in any of the hot rods. HRP
I'm 25 and my dad has done a pretty good job getting me into cars and when I have kids I will do the same. I've tried getting friends into it, but the ones that do have cars mainly have muscle cars, no hot rods. Looking around at all these shows/cruises that I go to, it looks like hot rodders are truly a dying breed. I'm interested/scared to see what these shows are going to look like in 20 years...
My grandson and a little project he loves to work on after mock up. Just finished the paint and should have it done soon. Loves to hang out in te garage. He has to see interior and engine on every car he looks at. Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
I have a new born (she's 6 days old) that will hopefully take to classics as much as I did. I used to watch my dad out in the garage when I was a kid...when I got a little older he'd let me help, teaching me about all the tools and how they work...when I got a little older he'd let me do the work while he watched...I laughed about it later telling him he was a slaver. But I'm glad he did. Hopefully I can get my daughter interested just like my father did for me.
Ill have to add some pics later but my boys are 4 1/2 now and a day isn't complete without us going to the shop after I get off work. The other day I got a new 327 for the wagon and when we went out one of the boys said "well, that's gonna be MY next project!" After I break the bolts loose they unscrew them. The other boy always says he likes to ride in Dads car "cause it smokes!" (The tires) They are the reason that I have a station wagon at all. I grew up with my Dads cars and at my Uncles wrecking yard so it seems natural to me.
My kid Gordon Texas in the bed of my -56 Ford, in my -58 Olds, in his -52 stroller and playing with his favourite toy! Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
Man if only I could get my kids 5 & 7 to help me clean out the garage so we could actually fit a car in there to work on, my 7 yr old son loves old cars, keeps asking me when we are going to get one to fix up, in due time son, all good things come to those who wait! Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
I'm tryin' to get my 10 year old interested, but all he wants to do is play minecraft... I'm just sanding right now though, so I can kinda understand. I fuckin hate sanding. Once I get to welding and grinding, and he sees sparks 'a flyin' I suspect it will "spark" his interest. He helps me wrench on the Dailies when they need work, gets me tools, and rags, and sodas. At this stage, on this car there isn't really much he can do to help but sand, and my air compressor can only handle one sander at a time... Tomorrow I'm gonna let him try the DA, and also make him sand by hand a little bit just so he can see how we did it when I was a kid... My Dad was very cheap, but he is not the LEAST bit lazy. He didnt but an air compressor until it was time to paint... Everything that could be done by hand WAS done by hand Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
There's another way than by hand? i wouldn't blame him im so sick of sanding.. You could teach him how to weld. Just with two pieces of scrap metal or something you don't need. When my dad tought me how to weld about at his age I liked it and started hanging around helping him more.