I buy deisel too. It's come down from 3.65 to 3.29 recently, but I passed a station that was selling in for 2.99 east of Athens GA last week. Have no idea why they were some much cheaper than everyone else. On the way to the hamb drags I was paying 2.20. What was that, 8 weeks ago? Everybody that buys anything shipped via truck is going to feel the price of deisel soon enough.
Yep! Apples and oranges... Going from state to state here is like going from country to country in Europe. Totally different setup. I bet in one month, I put more miles on my everyday car than most in those countries put on in six months.
Joe, Ya better be sitting down when you open it! We just got our yearly statement - they charge us by balanced payments; (same each month) - and it went up $60.00 per month!! And that's on top of the $135.00 a month we paid last year!! Think I'm going to have to wear an extra sweater when I'm out in the shop; and turn down the thermostat!
Gas/Petrol is approx $8 a gallon ,Diesel is more expensive approx $9 a gallon , most of it is duty paid to the government ,we are the biggest fuel taxed country in the world...................great
Yes, but that duty paid to the government comes back to you with the health care and welfare/social services you get. That's why you brits can get by on under 40 hours a week. I average 50 to 60. Our tax money seems to mostly go to subsidizing the rest of the world. Our kids get sick, or I break my arm, I pay the doctor bill. Daryll Guinn wrecked at Santa Pod in England and we took up donations here because your health care system wouldn't cover him. Our kids need school supplies, food, medicine, we pay the bill. Our tax money mostly goes overseas to help other people. Our helecopters are flying supplies into Pakistan right now on my tax money. Some warlord in africa needs a bribe to keep him from genocide, my taxes pay the bill. There isn't a country in the world that gives the US more than we give them. We don't always get it right, but at least we try. I wish they'd try a little harder at home tho... I'll give the Brits and Aussies credit for sticking with us instead of sticking it to us, but the systems are too different to really make comparisons on the gas prices.
$2.89/gal. in middle Tennessee for Regular. WTF?? Cows,and Cornfields. This ain't no resort town. My rear hurts Sparky
Yeah muffman, where are you geeting it? I saw Dillons was pretty cheap, although I can't remember what it was.
The price of crude is the price of crude...... that extra 4 or 5 bucks at the pump is for all the 'freebies' your government is raping you for.. $2.36 in Motown this morning..
Don't feel too bad Dave. I'm paying 371 a month, (big house, well insulated shop, gas and electric) every month, and the gas co is asking for an increase of over 20% Gasoline is running about 2.70-2.90 here in Spokane
saw $2.74 at a few spots on sunday in brentwood, ca.when i was in Maui last month i was paying $4 a gallon........ W W
Tinbender - Ours is for GAS - natural - ONLY! The electric power bill just went up 30% to $80.00 a month! (average) They claim it's because of the price of crude. Funny part; our electricity is generated by COAL fired boilers! (don't remember THAT stuff going up in price!)
I'm going to the salvage yard with some gas cans and siphon hose. Who's in? There must be 100's of gallons just going to waste.
$2.90 - $3.00 a gallon for the cheap shit... deisel for all my work trucks are around $3.30 a gallon. The deisel is what is killing me. As far as the gas is concerned , i have been riding my motorcycle, so it isn't to bad. My pick up cost about $60.00 a tank and only lasts about 4 days. Weather permitting, i'll keep riding the bike.
$2.79 for 93 octane at the local Shell station. Of course Illinois has TWO state taxes on gasoline. I believe that they are the highest gas taxes in the midwest. It's even worse in the Chicago area. I think they have another local tax on top of the state ones. But, at least the prices have come down a little bit.
here in western canada...$1.00 pr litre...thats about $4.00 per gallon US... and it just came down to that All ya can do is try to find the humor in it all....eh?
20 cents a gallon in Venezula... No wonder CBN supporters with their Houston Oil Cartel money have Pat Robertson asking that leaders like Hugo Chavez, be assasinated... if we actually held the oil business accountable and got the prices where they belong, those TV evangelists would loose millions. I'm sure the oil families of Texas don't want us to know it can be refined and sold at cost in socialist Venezula for .20 cents a gallon... We might just start acting like true Americans used to a long time ago,,,, and do something about it... I feel like we're all a bunch of suckers (sheep). Not that I have any angst towards the believers amoung us, I know God is who he said he is. Nor that this is the place for such disscusion, but hey, these cars of ours do need fuel, which in my opinion is much more abundant than the speculators and oil cartels would have us believe.... Do any of us really believe the current President is going to attempt any kind of accountability in the oil business, considering who his supporters are?
1.50 a litre down here at the moment. With the conversion rate that works out to (US) $4.57 a gallon.
Regular is $2.45 here in central PA today. Politics aside, and I'll PM anyone who really wants my opinion, it is not in the government's interest to promote cheap gasoline. Oil companies and suppliers have too much clout in the world. As supplies diminsh and Asian demand increases, these guys will be the power,not the Feds. But the current administration does seem to be doing quite well in catering to them. By the way, if you really want to get rich in the last half of this century, the commodity that will do it is water,not gas.