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What is the best reaction you have gotten from people?

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by EnragedHawk, Jul 8, 2011.

  1. push_rod
    Joined: Jul 22, 2013
    Posts: 110


    I had just picked up my rust bucket 1964 Falcon Futura Convertible from a lady in Tiburon, CA. The car looked plain ragged at the time; it had sat outside unused for two years after 14 years of daily use in San Francisco. There was an accident on Highway 80, so I was forced to head back via the Golden gate bridge. On my way to the bridge, I got caught at a light. Standing on the island to my left was a long-haired, stubble bearded homeless man wearing a tattered hat and army coat, and holding a sign... he motioned for me to roll down my window. Instead of approaching my car and asking for a hand out, he gave me the thumbs up, a toothless smile, nodded his head, and said, "Heeeey cooool caaaar maaaan!!!". The light changed, and the guy behind me honked his horn for me to move, before I could hand him some money. As it turned out, I had to give everything I had in my wallet to make the bridge toll!!! Just one of those moments I wish I could have caught on camera...

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    Last edited: Nov 23, 2013
  2. push_rod
    Joined: Jul 22, 2013
    Posts: 110


    I had just gotten my 1940 Ford Coupe running and drivable. It was painted, but still needed color sanding and rubbing out, and had no trim or bumpers on it yet. The old front spring was so weak the front bump stops were down on top of the axle, and the rear sat about 2 inches too high (A crazy mean forward rake). I drove to my buddy's, in nearby Castro valley, who had done the body work on the car. He was not home, so I headed back toward my place. I got caught at a stoplight next to a kid in a primered 1970 Plymouth Duster, that had a radical cam, and loud exhaust. We exchanged glances, and he revved his motor, and kept watching the traffic light... when it went green he floored it, popped the clutch, flooded it, and could not get it started! I just looked at him, shook my head, and idled through the intersection. Not the best day for that kid, but another moment I wish I could have caught on camera! (I guess that kid thought my coupe looked hot, but actually I only have a mild cam in it, and 2.75:1 gearing in the rear. My car's more of a highway cruiser, than a racer.)

    Years later, when I was filling the Coupe up at a local gas station after arriving home from a rod run, I suddenly felt a presence behind me... I looked over my shoulder and found a tall attractive, well dressed, young blonde woman standing right behind me! She had a concerned look on her face as she said, What type of a car is this? I just placed an order for a brand new PT Cruiser, and it looks just like this!!!" I explained to her what my car is... she walked away looking disturbed, shaking her head, and talking to herself!!!
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2013
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  3. 40FordGuy
    Joined: Mar 24, 2008
    Posts: 2,907


    My favorite was "where do you buy old cars in such good condition?" I was driving a museum owned, "frame-off restored" 1919 T Touring, in a parade.

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  4. Topstrap
    Joined: May 28, 2013
    Posts: 27

    from East Ohio

    Like most others, most of our cars get thumbs up when we're out. Sometimes it's surprising who is doing it, can be a car load of little old ladies, grey haired old fella in a Mercedes or a car load of young kids speeding up to get beside to take a better look. But I think the best reactions I enjoy the most is when a family walks up to look it over and the parents are trying to keep the kids back and I tell them to let the kids jump in and get some pictures.

    Most times they just look amazed anyone would allow that but by then usually the kids are piling in with big smiles on their faces. I have it to drive and enjoy and sharing that with others is part of it. Am a bit careful if the kids have ice cream or a drink in their hands but figure the little bit of dirt and finger prints that might be left behind are part of having an old car and taking it out.

    There was one time at a show I got there a bit early and a fella that is at all the cruises and shows was walking around. He carries a pad around to write down when he has a question and do believe he's also deaf. For months he's always walked by and gave me a big grin and thumbs up every time he sees me. This day I asked for his pad and asked if he'd like to go for a ride. The look on his face was priceless and he couldn't wait to get in and buckled up. We went up the Interstate ramp and jumped into it a bit for him, not sure what he was holding onto but he must be able to feel the vibration or the car was loud enough for him to hear but his hands went to his ears and there wasn't anymore room for grin left on his face.

    Pulled back into the show area and I think I enjoyed giving the ride as much as he enjoyed getting it. I still do that when I can to anyone that asks. A fella with a 427 rat powered 32 gave me a ride back in 70's at a local hangout and that is the main reason I own one now. I never forgot that and try to keep passing that on to others. Share your ride when you can and spend time talking when someone asks about it. Don't be a snob, we need to keep our hobby alive.

  5. metalman
    Joined: Dec 30, 2006
    Posts: 3,297


    I was running down the street in my brothers 39 , a couple in a pickup were pacing me checking it out. The drivers leaning over yelling questains to me past his wife, yelled "what motor?" Looked real puzzeled when I yelled back "WATCH OUT!" pointing ahead. He yells back "what's a watchout? just as he slams into the car stopped to turn in front of him. Felt kinda bad about that one.

    I'm gassing up my 61 Olds, this old guy starts talking to me. I was impressed when he new it was a 61. Wasn't so impressed when he asked if I had bought it new, geez, I know I'm looking older but i didn't think that old!
  6. ihv800
    Joined: Aug 2, 2013
    Posts: 7

    from Colorado

    My junior year Dad let me take the '53 Bel Air for prom. Small school, about 30 in the high school. An older gentleman owned a pretty high class pheasant hunting club, he would set it up so us country kids could have a nice dinner before the prom. Was about midway through the meal with my date, he walked up to the table and asked me, "53?" I said it sure was, he turned to my date and told her, "lucky you, you're with the classiest guy in here." I'll never forget it!

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  7. push_rod
    Joined: Jul 22, 2013
    Posts: 110


    I've had my 1964 Falcon Sprint Hardtop since 1980. I learned to drive in it, and drove it as a daily driver for 18 years, having it painted, and reupholstered as needed. One day while driving home from work, following a recent repaint, I had to get off 880 to avoid an accident/ backup. I was driving North on Hesperian Blvd, when I got stuck at a stop light. A gold colored 1970 Chevelle station wagon pulled up alongside me. Suddenly the guy in the front passenger seat shouted, "Cool car!!! Looks sharp!!! Ooooh, that's the one with the V8!!! Do ya wanna sell it???"" I looked over at the wagon, which was loaded with young black guys. "Thanks, but it's not for sale!", I replied. the light changed, we both sped to the next stoplight... which was also red! The guy started fumbling with something in his lap, looked over at me and shouted, "I got three grand I cash I can give you right now!!!" I shook my head and said, "No sale!" the light changed, and we drove forward. We both had to stop at the next two intersections, by then the guy was recounting, and claimed he could give me five grand cash right then! "Sorry, but it's not for sale! What would I drive to work, if I sold it?, I replied. His buddies were asking him why he'd want my car. "Cuz it's the rare one with the V8!!!", he shouted! The light changed again, so I floored it, blasting through the next intersection, with the signal a solid yellow. I glanced in my rear view... the wagon had to stop. I got off the boulevard and took the back roads home.

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  8. I had a 57 Bel air wagon I was pretty much done restoring , (I build 'em to be driven) Anyways I was at one of the best vintage parts , salvage yards , here , and I was loading parts into the back of the wagon. this guy pulls up in a Hummjob and says , "What are you doing , hauling parts in that classic?" I said, " You can gimme $25 grand and leave it in your garage , beside your precious Hummer , that will never , ever go off the pavement, until then , I'm gonna use it for what it was made for , hauling stuff, just like in 1957."
  9. fisherboys
    Joined: Dec 30, 2010
    Posts: 90


    I was driving my 33 ford pickup to Michigan to see some relatives and in northern Indiana ibelieve, an amish dude was pulling out of his barn sittin on a hay rake with two big draft horses pullin it. When he saw me comin he stood up and gave me two thumbs up.
  10. Scott Liggett
    Joined: Aug 22, 2013
    Posts: 15

    Scott Liggett
    from nebraska

    This asian mom who collects her kids whenever I drive down the street and hustles them in the house, like I will drive up in the yard and mow them all down.

    Little old ladies whom I stop for when they want to cross the street. They flat refuse to go while I am sitting there. As if I will dump the clutch and run them down once I am in front of them.

    Guys saying they have $10,000 in cash to buy my car. Only they were sitting at the bus stop before seeing my car. Yeah, OK.

    One guy telling me he had '67 Chevelle SS 396 (You know those guys who have to say SS 396 at once) just like my car in HS. My car is a '65 Impala SS. Then argues with me about what I own even after I point out the Impala emblems on the grille. I am still wrong and he is right.

    A six year old kid in his car seat in the back of mom's SUV leaning over and asking me to do a burnout. Mom not amused when I oblige the kid.

    People seeing the 383 emblems on my valve covers and can't believe I put a Chrysler 383 under the hood of my Impala. I don't bother trying to explain bore and stroke, I just tell them "Yup, I sure did! What of it?"
    slv63, chryslerfan55 and Truck64 like this.
  11. Pulled into a cars and coffee kinda cruise-in one morning in my Roadster. A nice lady in the parking lot says, "Nice car, is that an early Indy car?".................What???!!!o_O 20180826_085713.jpg
  12. Some lady at the gas station asked what year my Cadillac was (1959 Ford...). I told her it was a 1946 and she was happy.
  13. Truck64
    Joined: Oct 18, 2015
    Posts: 5,325

    from Ioway

    "Oh, any major car dealer really, will have them. Have to check the back lot." Never let an opportunity to mess with someone's head go by.
    chryslerfan55 and lothiandon1940 like this.
  14. NWRustyJunk
    Joined: Jan 2, 2017
    Posts: 481


    We picked up a 52 Windsor last weekend in Bend. As we were pulling onto highway 97, a young couple pulled up next to us honking and waving. I thought my trailer was falling apart or something. No, they just wanted to say how sweet that old car was. The wife and I got a good laugh.
    chryslerfan55 likes this.
  15. Poverty cap
    Joined: Mar 11, 2017
    Posts: 77

    Poverty cap

    In the late 80's I had a 1962 Bel Air wagon, I had traded a customer some work for it and it had been sitting for 10 years or so. I really liked wagons so for the next month and a half I worked on it a lot to get it to Back To The Fifties. The car was from New Mexico it had nice patina only a couple small rust spots and factory air. I drove into the show sitting low with the windows up, air on high, feeling pretty good. Standing around with some buddies a father and his 7 or 8 year old son walk up, they are looking at my car the kid points to it and says, dad why is that car in here. Loved that car
    y'sguy and chryslerfan55 like this.
  16. safetythird
    Joined: Feb 26, 2014
    Posts: 295


    I was a wet behind the ears 17 year old that just got my '61 Chrysler on the road shortly before.

    I was stopped at a light with my older brother with me and a car pulled up alongside with a couple of cute girls in it. One yelled out "Nice fuckin' car!" and flashed me. :)

    Unfortunately the trend did not continue.
  17. wicarnut
    Joined: Oct 29, 2009
    Posts: 9,173


    Not sure if this is a repeat story/post, it poped in this AM following along here. Back around 2001/2/3 The most heart warming response I ever got was at a car show, at a nursing home, had my HighBoy Roadster there. The sweetest little old lady just lit up when she saw my car, talked about back in the day her boyfriend/became husband had a Fliver (believe that's a model T or A w/o fenders) and how they raced all over the dirt roads with it, being half scared to death in it. She was so happy sharing her past memories, they were car people in their day, after awhile I offered to give her a short ride, again she just lit up AND Then her daughter jumped in (about my age) she was bored to death waiting on Mom talking with me, stating she can't let her go with me, my response was, I'll let you take her for a short ride in this car, it's like any other car, auto transmission, gas pedal, brake pedal and steering wheel being as nice as I could be. Well, If looks could kill I would not be typing this and Granny's puppy dog eyes did not melt daughters demeanor, Daughter stated, Mom, lets go back inside. Granny thanked me several times for talking with her as she was dragged away, I thought What a Bitch ! (the Daughter) Hopefully when I'm that old, whoever is taking care of me will be nicer to me. To ALL you younger Hamb'rs "Be Nice to Old people, One Day, you to, will be Old" Everyone have a Happy/Safe Holiday Weekend !
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2018
    Montana1, Truck64 and jnaki like this.
  18. RmK57
    Joined: Dec 31, 2008
    Posts: 2,958


    I always get the same reaction from people about my 57 Ford. 95% say "I used to own one of these".
    I usually reply back, you probably did, they built several hundred thousand.
  19. Gray Ford
    Joined: Oct 18, 2008
    Posts: 491

    Gray Ford
    from Illinois

    Years back, after we completed my son's '37 Dodge sedan build , ( An easy build that started by replacing the complete floor from front to back ), we went to our first show ....A fellow walked up to the car & inspected the car from front to back ...Turns out he was from the area & had passed on the car even for parts as it was "Too Far Gone".....
    After his inspection, he turned to me & said: " Congratulations, you ruined a fine old automobile "......
    I couldn't have been more proud ...That was 85K++ miles ago ...:)....
  20. Boneyard51
    Joined: Dec 10, 2017
    Posts: 6,653


    Just read this thread, my cousin did that for me in his sbc powered T bucket, back in 1966. Never have forgot the feeling of that power. I was already a Gearhead , had my 430 powered 55Ford, but it was nothing compared to the T. There is one in my future.

    Driver50x likes this.
  21. T. Turtle
    Joined: May 20, 2018
    Posts: 543

    T. Turtle

    I'm in Austria (EU) and I only ever saw one other 64 Mercury Comet here. They were imported back in the day but not too many came so most people have no clue what it is other than that it's American. Usually they look at it as if they just saw an alien:eek:. No negative comments so far... WP_20180726_10_47_38_Pro.jpg
    lothiandon1940 and belair like this.
  22. alwaysamopar
    Joined: Oct 2, 2015
    Posts: 126


    I was asked to come to a all oldsmobile car show at the local dealer. Reason was I have the only known 59 around our city. So I obliged and went. They parked me next to this beautiful restored/Original 442 ..The owner took one look at my olds and walked away in disgust. .and asked to be moved. They re parked his car somewhere else. Reminded me why I don't care for car shows.

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    bobss396 likes this.
  23. 208custom
    Joined: Mar 19, 2006
    Posts: 263


    Driving my 50 from Boise ID to Milwaukee earlier this summer and my wife and I stopped in Rapid City at a grocery store to grab something to eat. One of the ladies that was working at the store had just ended her shift and was riding her bike home. She stopped to look at the car and asked if she could take some pictures and I said sure. She positioned her pink child's bike in the forefront of her shot and pulled out a disposable camera (didn't know they still made those!) and snapped a picture of the car and bike. She then told me that she was a classic car owner as well and that her car was in the shop and that was why she was on the bike. I asked her what her classic was and she told me it was a 2000 dodge neon!
    slv63, Montana1 and lothiandon1940 like this.
  24. That reminded me of an incident few years ago when I went to dinner with a friend in his at the time 40+ year old Four Cam, 6 carb V12, transaxle, etc vintage Ferrari (red, of course) and two "elderly" couples leaving the restaurant came over at the parking lot to see and ask if the car we just came in is some kind of "New car ?" !?! :rolleyes:

    Ironically, it was "new to him" as he had just bought it few days prior as a replacement for identical example he had owned for 30 years and sold about 3-4 weeks earlier for 25% more than he paid for this one. Not to mention, his "old one" had way over 100K miles on it and was in a desperate need of full restoration, at least mechanically, while the "new one" had only 30K miles and looked like "million bucks". Some people are just born lucky, I guess.
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2018
  25. "Carrying lumber and tools in that truck? You should treat it better than that. You should be ashamed of yourself"
    I almost never answer but I have said this in the past- "How many did YOU save from the scrapyard? Wheres yours?"

    Most of the time we get thumbs-up signs when driving around. That's the good part.

  26. texkbc
    Joined: Apr 27, 2007
    Posts: 438


    most say cool rat rod! 27971792_1983733948306760_5651999385724443098_n.jpg
    settoon3 and jetnow1 like this.
  27. T. Turtle
    Joined: May 20, 2018
    Posts: 543

    T. Turtle

    @ Dare to Be Different: Lol. Look at the pic of my car above. The trunk is filled with a full set of tools, axles stands, hydraulic jack and wood for heating I just got at the garden center. They'd still look at me and the car as if we were aliens so who cares.
  28. junkyardgenius
    Joined: Dec 29, 2005
    Posts: 897

    from Kernow

    AD5C54DE-C00B-4726-844A-69227BADD691.jpeg Stopped to fuel up in my wife,s 32 pickup last week and the guy behind the counter said “Nice Trebant” She said “It,s a 1932 Ford” .He wasn,t having it “ I know my cars and that is a Trebant”
    slv63 and Truck64 like this.
  29. 208custom
    Joined: Mar 19, 2006
    Posts: 263


    Had to look up what a Trebant is.....

    "The Trabant is an automobile which was produced from 1957 to 1990 by former East German car manufacturer VEB Sachsenring Automobilwerke Zwickau."

    only off by 30 years!

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