I want the easiest 350 and trans to drop in.... 350 turbo or 700r... And what's the easiest rear end to swap out? Thanks all....I have my first car and no motor or trans...want to get this rolling...
350 for tranny.... no brainer.... For the rear, your gonna need measurements to decide Any non- FI 350 engine..... 350 non- fi and 350t I just re-read your post, re=affirming you said easiest and cheap.... didn't see the engine in the first....
For cheap and easy an 80's Camaro or Nova. Also if you can get it reasonably a 200R4 is a better tranny choice for MPG. To keep it traditonal a 55-57 Chevy rear and a 350 auto.
easy? as in bolt it in and forget it? Hmm. For starters- you're going to need to cut the transmission crossmember and fabricate something else in it's place. I *just* did this, and it's fresh in my mind. Rear end: Blazer 4x4 (not the 2x, not the zr2, just the 4x4). 2nd Gen Camaro Tri-Five