OK, I've found a potential starter roadster project. It's a stash of parts collected to build a roadster.. but which one? I've so far only got a quick look at a pair of quarter panels, but I've come to realize that I can't easily tell a disembodied 30/31 'A' quarter panel from a '32 quarter. What do I look for? The cowl will be no problem, with gas tank versus cowl vent. Steve
The 30/31 has ribs embossed in the wheelwell wall. A vertical one on the center and angled ones on each side of the vertical one. The 32 wheelwell wall has an embossment running horizontally for more clearance. Hope this helps,
I'll look for that. Aren't there other differences in the beltline bead, or the length of certain sections? Thanks Steve
Here's a couple of pics that may help. The red oxide one is a 30-31 A. Black one is a 32. Note the trunk lid line - as viewed from the side - of the 32 is flatter (and 2" deeper measured from rumble latch than is the A measured from the same place - IE: front of the trunk opening behind the rear cockpit rail) and the A tapers down somewhat like a 27 T does. I've got a good side view of the 30-31 A Body, but I'll have to reload my photo program and get back to it in a couple of hours....
The first thing I look at is the 2 semi-circles where the wheel well and the belt molding come together at the bottom rear. You can see the wheel welll here too. The three acorn nuts cover the studs for the rear fenders. I don't know if A's had them. I know that Brookville doesn't.
Michigander, Where in Michigan are you ? If it is semi close I would be willing to come by and help identify what you have if the photos posted are not enough to help... Tim
There you original 32 Roadster guys Go Again .......busting on Brookville... Sometimes the truth hurts..... .
I know...I know I'm no good. It's just my ego...again! It's not my fault really...I inhaled too much fiberglass resin when I first got started all those years ago when I couldn't afford a 3500.00 gennie. and yes I put chrome acorn nuts on them so that they would be noticed and not me.
Thanks for all the info. I should have no trouble now identifying them. Now the problem will be getting the owner to sell them ("someday I'll ..." he says). Steve
One of the biggest visual differences: Rear of A quarters comes down to level with lower edge of body. '32 stops much higher to make room for the gas tank.