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OT: Question on what you would do in my place..

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by KnuckleDragger, Oct 22, 2005.

    Joined: May 23, 2005
    Posts: 4,407

    Alliance Vendor
    from AUSTIN,TX

    It is this simple,Yall.
    Jonney, You said the dogs were puppies.
    here is your answer. inside training.
    My Dog stays inside while I am not home. We childproofed the Kitchen Just like you would with kids. Then we put up baby gates for the day.

    I did this not because I am a bleedin' heart,
    My dog is a staffordshire terrier, commonly known as a "pit bull"
    (thats a whole other rant, and this ain't the place)
    people steal them, poison them,fight them,and otherwise terrorize them.

    I train my dog at classes and socialize him all I can.

    but the problem is not with the dog, it is with PEOPLE.

    The son of a bitch that hurt your dog should answer for it. try the police first. if they offer no support, then it is time for plan B.
    plan B stands for Bruises.
    Your dogs being shot while defensless is UNCALLED for, barking or not.
    dogs bark. BIG FUCKIN' DEAL. that is no excuse to act like a teenager and shoot 'em up.
    straighten this asshole out, or he WILL continue to fuck up.
    whats next? car too loud so he takes a few shots at that,too?
    end it .

    Have to edit!
    My wife just showed up with Waylon(the dog)
    I have been informed it is her dog.
    and she agrees with me!
    the chick is usually right, so get to work!
  2. HemiRambler
    Joined: Aug 26, 2005
    Posts: 4,207


    There was an old acquaintance of mine (lets' call him person #1) who had a similar problem with a neighbor in the country (we'll call the neighbor person #2). Seems #2 would trespass constantly and eventually did property damage and even killed one of #1's animals. #1 was furious and had words with #2 many times. All completely civil. Day or two later - #2 was at it again - rifle in hand. Well this time #1 spotted him and gave chase. Well #2 thought he was pretty smart and hid beneath a pine tree. TO make things short it turns out Fella #1 didn't see him there but coincidently tried to shoot at a black bird in that very same tree. Small world. Well aparently fella #2 crapped his pants and skurried home calling the state troopers. Well since everything was an honest mistake all was forgiven (barely) and a strick warnign was given to fella #1 that at the moment it was "his word against yours" and that next time if there were any other witnesses "someone" was getting arested. Curiously problem has fixed itself - no more tresspassing.

    Do I reccomend you do this?? ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!! Not sure what to tell you, but ignorring it sure isn't gonna work.

    Fuck with my DOG and I'll introduce you to GOD!!!!!!
  3. If this guys is popping BBs at your dogs because they bark, in YOUR yard, then I owe you an apology Jonney. What he does expect them to do, recite poetry? I wouldn't booby trap my own yard. or shoot BBs at him. Like others have said, this is where you call the cops. PS, dogs need a job. Talk to a trainer. You said they were pups, it's not too late. Good luck with it.
  4. KnuckleDragger
    Joined: Aug 21, 2004
    Posts: 536


    Joined: May 23, 2005
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    Alliance Vendor
    from AUSTIN,TX

    we started training waylon at 10 months. it is never too late.
    I personally would not turn my back porch into a jail cell on account of some prick. your dogs are being dogs. you can't change that.
    your neichbor is being a jackass. now THAT you can change.

    it is an unfortunate truth of human nature. people who are mentally fucked bully things they can. and with all things, there is typically a day of reckoning for them. one of two things happen. either A,they get thier shit together and act like assholes,
    B they continue to act out and someone shits down thier neck.
    because there is always a bigger bully and in this case, it may have to be you.

    yeah, it sucks, but it is life. your dogs are your dogs. it is as much your responsibility to protect them as it is to protect yourself.
    no jury in the world would convict you for shakin' the shit out of this guy.

    don't want to preach, but I gotta say this. I am no good at being the voice of reason, but there is no way in my opinion for this guy to have a reasonable explination for hurting your animals.
    it is unreasonable and unneccecary.
    anybody that was thinking like a man would have approached you about your dogs and asked for a resolution to whatever his bullshit problem is.

    clearly, you are not dealing with any such man.
  6. KnuckleDragger
    Joined: Aug 21, 2004
    Posts: 536


    I appreciate all feed back, the good and being an asshat. I am going to try ans secure my porch as much as I can and confront him about the situation. I am not going to accuse him unless I see him do it. I am going to try the police route but probally wont get any results in this area. But atleast I will have made the report. I dont know what i would do if I happened to catch him hurting my dogs, but i hope that it would be the right thing.

  7. 50dodge4x4
    Joined: Aug 7, 2004
    Posts: 3,534


    I know you think the guy shooting beebees at your dogs is the guy next door that hates your dogs, but are you sure its not some punk ass kids a couple miles away getting their kicks out of using your dogs as target practice? A few years ago,we had a similar problem when I lived in the country. I was sure it was the prick at the next house over. Come to find out, a group of 3 or 4 kids were smoking dope and riding around shooting at any dogs they saw. The worst part was having to appolige to the prick in the next house over. Before things get out of hand, make sure you know who is doing the shooting.

    Another thing, an electric fence does not use a lot of electric. They use a transformer to power the single wire fence, mounted about 18" off the ground. Uses about as much electric as a 100 watt balb, but if you contact it, it sure feels like a lot more. Good at keeping things in, and keeping things out. Might be worth looking into. Gene
  8. KnuckleDragger
    Joined: Aug 21, 2004
    Posts: 536


    I have to string it around over half an acre though? will one box power the whole lot?

  9. Hotboxes for hot wire fence come in different ratings, a half acre is nothing in size for a small box.Buy the biggest rated one though for best effect. Next deal I would go out to a building supply center and buy two 330' rolls of field fence & steel t posts that you may space every ten feet.(won't cost that much) Fence off the back and sides of your property + then buy a hotbox & run a single strand of wire (or you could run two for maximum effect.) along the top from t post to t post.You will need to get the yellow plastic connectors that hook onto the t posts to mount your hot wire. Make sure you have a clear line so the line can't ground out againist any growth. This will help to keep your dogs in & keep the neighbors out.Now if you want to build a garden out at that back area & go out & buy bottles of fish emulsion to fertilize your garden. Just open them and pour on dirt but "forget to work it in" . Also buy some bags of steer manure (cow poop) and spread it out all over that garden soil. It will stink so bad the neighbor will not want to hang around that area. Make sure you try and keep it kind of moist so it won't dry out to quickly. Sure you might get a whiff but think of it as the satisfaction you are getting by letting nature take it's course & fixing that neighbor for you. Good Luck! Gary 4T950 Chevy Guy:D :D :D
  10. FiddyFour
    Joined: Dec 31, 2004
    Posts: 9,024


    just remember... "This side towards enemy" gets pointed at the guy you wanna ventilate:D

    nothin says go the fuck away like a warm claymore
  11. all I can say is i am glad i am not in your shoes or HIS if it was me , I'd hate to have to go BACK to my old prison cell -and i would beyond a shadow of doubt :mad:, take care of your dogs , lookem over REAL good if they are old lead BB's, you need to get em out- fast, then get a statement from your VET that they were shot and call the law :mad: a stinkin gun if he has not cleaned it will be enough.
  12. KnuckleDragger
    Joined: Aug 21, 2004
    Posts: 536


    Heres a pic of my dogs, I just wanted to post a pic of them.
    and here is for that fuck nut if I do catch him in the act.

    As for the claymore's I really dont care for it to much. But I dont know how to make personel size symtex trap. No muss, no fuss and no mess to clean up they kinda just disapear into a haze of red mist. Plus i also know how to make napalm if need be.

  13. Roothawg
    Joined: Mar 14, 2001
    Posts: 25,566


    It's not always cost effective but you can buy dog kennels to house them while you are at work. They usually run about 2-3 hundred bucks.
  14. mine is a Amstaff Terrier, like above known as a "Pittbull", she is a rescue from a dirtbag dog fighter w/o a clue who beat her because she had no "HEART " for fighting,Hell,A bigger sweetie I have never seen,under my direct supervision constantly, I had a problem only once , a neighbor did'nt like the idea that I even had one , keep in mind she is only OS tied up to do her bussiness and back into the house or when i am OS with her, tied up at that time even , I walked out to get her as she barks once to let me know she is ready to come in, I walked dead into this jerk off face to face w a broom in his hand IN MY YARD about to hit the dog, WRONG idea! ,He ate a few teeth b4 he even saw it coming, then I called the police and told him he tried to hit ME w a broom, so I knocked him cold , they came over and as he was still out , they took me at my word (with a wink) and hauled him away (to his home), he apoligized at the insistance of the cop the next day, (I live in a small town) now he won't look or talk to or about me and avoids my yard like the plague, the word got out and no problems w anyone again-- big surprise
    My Pitt "Diamond"-

    Attached Files:

  15. oh, the one in the black is my 5' nuttin wife, Deb, the ONLY thing in this world I AM scared of or for :eek: :D
  16. KnuckleDragger
    Joined: Aug 21, 2004
    Posts: 536


    I would love to grab that smoke smoker by his neck until he drops a lung but I am not taking the chance that I could possibly go back to jail on another assault charge. So I will just call johnny law and report the rectal itch. If it continues I might have to call some friends in cali out for a visit. Coarse I could always start fucking with his property. He only has 6 cars I could make sure all of them had unexpected problems like flat tires and some how the lug nuts got JB welded on?? or cotton in the gas tank? Oh there is so much more that could be done.

  17. see, now ur talkin my language , TONS of terrorist stuff can be dome with only you to know that your even , but also keep in mind that is the charge they will hit you with IF your caught, "terrorist acts" , carries a heavy tag these days , THINK first- get even later :rolleyes: but callin the law, while not my idea of stand up, is what is required here, trust me, I learned the hard way :( and it cost me ALOT of time :( to do it. They get sick of repeat violent offenders REAL quick these days ,
  18. willys_truck
    Joined: Mar 4, 2005
    Posts: 785


    I say buy a surveilance camera and hit record when you leave for work, and see what happens. That is the only way to tell for sure AND have proof. Those small camera's have went down so in price you can;t go wrong. After you have him on camera , stick a copy of the tape with him trespassing in his mailbox with a little note to let him know that you are pressing charges next time he sets a foot on your property.
  19. KnuckleDragger
    Joined: Aug 21, 2004
    Posts: 536


    I've thought about that but the average vidoe tape records for ony 6 hours I thought? I am away at work for 10 hours?

  20. willys_truck
    Joined: Mar 4, 2005
    Posts: 785


    I think? you can get a tape for over 6 hours now, not sure. But think about it he is going to do it a hour or two after he SEE'S you leave your driveway, he would not wait to do it near the time you usally come home, he would be afraid you would come home early and catch him on your property.
  21. leadsleadolds
    Joined: Jun 7, 2004
    Posts: 1,817


    Remeber you dont know for sure it was him even though it probably was from what you say. It could be the neigbor that has never even mentioned them before, or some dumb ass kid. I wouldnt be going over to anyones house with a gun yet. Mention what happened to him and see guage his reaction then you'll have a beter clue if it was him. He'd be suprised as hell you found the bb and that your onto him. It would probably stop hopefully.

    I had a buddy pull a gun on his crack head neigbor after his sterio was stolen. thing got real ugly.
  22. willys_truck
    Joined: Mar 4, 2005
    Posts: 785


    One more thing , make sure you put up a couple of no trespassing signs, most people do not know this, but most states can only give a warning for the first offense, if you do not have signs up. Because the signs act as there first warning, you will only have to catch him trespassing once for chages to be filed!
  23. bcarlson
    Joined: Jul 21, 2005
    Posts: 935


    Jonney, I haven't read the rest of this thread, so I'm probably posting a dupe, but in my area, you need to be a certain distance (I think it's 500 feet?) from any residences, or buildings when firing a weapon (I would guess this applies to air guns, not just rifles and shotguns/handguns?).

    Since you're on 1/2 acre, then whomever did this is for certain not complying with that law, if you have one similar. Plus, Brandy(my Anglo-French Hound) is my kid like you said! Man would I be ticked!

    There are laws against animal cruelty... I maybe wouldn't call 911, since they aren't firing at the dogs right now, but definitely call the police... they'll tell you if you're doing the wrong thing. If nothing else the grievance will go on file, and if it happens again, they might take more action.

    Just my $.02 I hope your dogs are fine, and they catch and punish the culprit... what kind of coward hurts an animal which is restrained?!!?! Ugh. It just makes me sick.

  24. partsnut
    Joined: Oct 22, 2005
    Posts: 12

    from Texas

    Hmm, I think the dogs should confront him some dark, very dark night and maybe explain how they dislike, or rather, "Like" :eek: "His ASS" and don't really understand his inability to accept them as upstanding barkful members of the unestablishment. :D
  25. FiddyFour
    Joined: Dec 31, 2004
    Posts: 9,024


    invest in a cheap used Tivo DVR from a pawn shop, even the cheapest ones now record over 40 hours. if that isnt an option, i have "plans" to modify a regular VCR to record at 1/3 speed so that would give you 18 hours of record time on a tape... lotta shit to look through but might be worth the effort.

    seriously lemme know. i for one would not have your patience if someone attacked my shop partner like a coward.

    here is a pic of my bud... 115# of the loudest, nastiest, meanest... oh wait thats a description of my mother in law:eek::D... here's my 115# bud :D what a ham(B):p

  26. CadillacKid
    Joined: Oct 15, 2002
    Posts: 1,507


    Tie him behind the car and drag him.
  27. muffman58
    Joined: Oct 24, 2003
    Posts: 999


    This is basically what I was told by the cops the last time I had problems with the neibours. Without proof your screwed!
  28. luckykid
    Joined: Jan 3, 2005
    Posts: 173

    from Seattle,WA

    Report it and have it on record. Then just mention what has been happening to you neighbor and that you think it is some punk ass teenagers and then desribe what you are going to do to those kids when you catch them. If it is him then that may put a stop to it right there, if not you have a police report and you've given him fair warning with out accusing him. My dogs are also my wife and my kids and I would do anything to protect them and feel for you. I don't know if you can do this, but we have a kennel built in our garage out of 2x4 and plywood up to 4' then chicken wire above that. used to be only the wire until I came home and found my little princess had chewed through the wire. It works great for us and it's inside so no one can fuck with them.
  29. NVRA #84
    Joined: Aug 24, 2005
    Posts: 370

    NVRA #84

    Dogs chew things up (floors, carpet, walls whatever) because the are bored. Work them, take them for a leashed walk at least 45 minutes a day, it helps them and you. Play ball with them, teaching them to bring the ball back and lay it at your feet. Dogs are like people they need something to do or they get in trouble. When they chew something unwanted let them know they did wrong, voice expression is good enough, and provide them with a toy thats ok to chew on.

    Casually ask your neighbor if he has seen anyone around with a BB gun while your away from home. Explain to him that you found evidence that someone was shooting at your dogs on your property and you have asked the police to be on the lookout. Tell him you have even talked with a lawyer about the legal aspects of this and you are going to follow his advice. Get some motion detector flood lights and install them, they are good to have anyway. Fake surveillance can be installed for less the $20, put them near the lights so they are obvious.

    Stay on the legal side. Unless you are confortable with living in a small space with bars on the windows don't stoop to his level.
  30. KnuckleDragger
    Joined: Aug 21, 2004
    Posts: 536


    My dogs are spoiled they have almost every toy you can think up, they either eat it ( not play with it) or leave it alone and never even look at it. I walk and run them as much as possible but I live on a busy rurel hiway and it doesnt leave a lot of walking room when logging truck are flying by at 70+mph. But I try and gt them out as much as I can. I play with them every chance I get course they dont bring anything back yet but at least they pick it up then drop it and run back to me. As going and talking to him I already planned that, with out accusing him of anything and letting him know my intentions of how to handle the situation since the police will not do anything with out proof. Thanks again for all of the feed back and opions, I really do appreciate it a lot.


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