Hey guys, The Shifters and friends are putting together a little car and vintage bike show to help raise money for Anthony's family. As many of you already know, Anthony was killed in a car accident a little over a month ago and now his family is in need of some financial help. This show is for a good cause and there will be some great bands, so come on out of you can. Thanks!
Sledge mate - I can not go to the show as I am @ 5000 miles away ! But I would like to pop a few $s in the tin - is there any way I can do this please ? Bob
Wish I lived closer, I met & talked to Anthony one year at Viva, he was a cool dude. I'm sure he will be missed by anyone who knew him. Sorry for the families loss. Leon
A day hasnt gone by where I havent thought of and missed my friend Cavaliers will be there to support our friends and remember someone who meant so much to the Hot Rod community and me personally
If anyone that can't make it to the show, but wants to donate to help the family, the paypal account is valerievicari@gmail.com Thanks!
Hope to come down and support this very special cause. Hopefully it's not 1000 degrees with 100% humidity, all the more reason I miss Ventura!
Great time as always and a chance to see old friends, hopefully it will become a annual event. Many thanks to the Shifters and a great way to celebrate anthonys life!
I overheated twice in my 36 due to all the traffic on the 91 but made it.....Thanks to all who pulled over and offered help, but luckily, flathead owners carry water and lots of it.....I love So. Cal......
Was a last minute decision.....ran great all the way home.....I've some things planned.....I'll fill you in soon...Mike