It is a Scotty Fenn Chassis Research TE440. This is Tom Culbertson's car. I built the motor for it. I don't know the wheelbase off hand but I can find out.
Thanks goose I am getting ready to build a digger like this and was curious about it I have done a lot of research and the te440 is what I'm patterning mine after it won't be an exact replica but will be that style plus it will have a blown flathead as well only not a ford it will be a Cadillac Chrome don't get ya home
Yeah no worries Carl I will be a 6 spd according to buddy cause we all know he sure knows how to turn a 4 spd into a 8 speed lol Chrome don't get ya home
Great Pics the B&W's look like they were taken in the 50's!!,, What trans do you use?, Thanks Tim Jones
Yea Tim I'm gonna make my own, take a piece of 6" dia x8" aluminum and remove everything that doesn't look like a blower drive.............. and either a 3/4 or 1" drive shaft........... been working on the truck and haven't been able to get back on the blower as of yet.............
Really nice Carl. A Good way to honour him. K ...................................... Taildragger&fenderless
Thanks guys for the nice comments,....... they say I must have too much time on my hands....... was tired of the cheap dual plastic wheels on the trailer jack that wouldn't turn anywhere and left black streaks all had some leftover wheels from another project so : And now to get crackin on a generator mount for the trailer....... Up&slide=16&autoplay=true Kind of a cool article from the drags at Brown County Dragway. Other than calling it a 1/4 mile when it is an 1/8 it was very accurate.
Hi Carl, Tim Showed me your dragster build over our weekend, VERY Cool Race car, Tim Calls you his Flathead Mentor,,, Beth
Beth I don't know anything about mentors, but just an ol fart reliving his teenage years and enjoying his retirement is cool with me......... Now if we can figure out how to get you guys out here to Eagle, that would be cool!
Getting out to Eagle with the car is on our list of things to do, At 61 I'm an old fart who's getting the chance to do things I didn't get to do when I was younger,, Yeah your Tim's mentor,, when he started on his car He would always talk about his buddy carl's car Beth
went and purchased a piece Tim, I don't want any porosity or odd material in something that sits in front of my face and is responsible for spinning the blower ........ Thanx for the look Derbydad Ya know Tom the last batch of alu I cast I used the chips and it turned out a mess, too much dregs in the chips and not worth the trouble to melt down, so now I just throw the chips away and use large chunks.......
We also started out with a chunk of aluminium bolt, a little longer at probably more expensive. If my memory serves me, I think I paid about $500 for a 6 inch dia. by 20 inch long. K .................................... Taildragger&fenderless