Preparing to swap the 235 for a 261 in our '53 chevy sedan, seems I remember there being some issue with the water pump?? Is this true or am I thinking of something totally different?? thanks-
Depends on the year of the 261. Late ie 55 up have a big round hole in front of the block,if this is what you have buy the adapter to use the 53 style. That will put your fan etc. in the correct area. If your block has 2 small round holes you are good to go.
Here is my 261, assuming its a '55 and later? So I need an adaptor to use the 235 pump on the 261 block so everything lines up, correct? Where do I get said adaptor? Not too worried yet about the mounts, think I have that handled but will see...thanks-
This might be it:
Yep later block. Shortened late pump is not a good way to go as it limits badly the size of the fan and mounts it too low. The old Chevy vendors should have that adapter . No screwing moding the pump and finding a suitable WP pulley.
I'm curious why a shortened pump isn't the way to go; which is what I've always done and have never had any issues. I use a late 60's Ford pulley; which is the same diameter as the stock Chevy, so there isn't any problems with the pump turning to slow or fast. Here is some more reading on the subject.
Like I said mounts the fan real low which means a smaller fan to clear things. Also you might be able to find a stock early pump on the road but fat chance on a moded one. Years ago the only option was to shorten the later pump,now with the adapter you can use stock pump and fan.
My memory of the early 235 pumps, was with the wider fan belt; which meant that you had change all of your other pulleys to use the wider belt. I suppose it is just a preference issue. I'd think that it would be easier to find a later water pump than an earlier one if I was on the road. Other than sliding the hub back a little, I don't really see a big problem with modifying one if needed. But of course if we are looking at what if scenario's, trying to find almost any parts for these old engines while on the road is going to be difficult. As far as a problem with the fan, each application is going to be different. I've run a 235 in my 47 Chev for years with a modified water pump without any problems. I ran an after market 6 bladed fan, which didn't seem to be too small. I suppose we can agree to disagree, neither way is wrong.
Narrow belt started in '53. adapting a '53-54 water pump is the better way to go for all the reasons mentioned.
I have a 53/4 water pump and adapter on a 57 235 in my 37 Chevy p/u and no problems so far,I originally had a shortened pump with a 216 size pulley on it for a few years but it broke so on went a the older pump and adapter. I could never use a mechanical fan with the short pump on it but now can.