Sunday, April 3rd, 2005. That's the date for the opening party for this fine gathering of automotive imagery at the now-defunct Mendenhall Sobieski Gallery in Pasadena. Looking back at the iconic artists for show, an amazing 9 years in the rear view ... <BR><BR>To read the rest of this blog entry from The Jalopy Journal, click here.
Really? That seems like an odd comment. Not sure I understand where it's coming from. I had a great time talking to Robert and Suzanne Williams at Bonneville last summer. Talk about some amazing stories.
Cars are being built, Cars are being sold,,, But what about the art? 2005 - 2014 not even 10 years. Did the Art drive the lifestyle? Or was it just a refelection? Wez is plugging along, but Pizz? David Perry (one of my heros)? Von Franco (not in the show but still)? Max Grundy is making art,,, Can someone name the last great Low Brow Art Show? I can't..
It was a great show. Glad I went. We're spoiled rotten with car shows and art in California. Look harder Anthony. There is great art everywhere, LowBrow and otherwise. When I first started collecting, I felt buying a piece of art might help the artist afford to make another piece... to make someone else happy. Support artists.... and they will make more. A bunch of art I have purchased has gone up in value, other pieces, not so much. I don't buy it because it's an investment, I buy it because I like it. Damian Fulton, Sara Ray, Tidwell, Weesner, Coop, Von Franco, Grundy, Mr. G, Krazy Dotty, Jeff Norwell, Makoto, grimb, Jet Wrench, Flip, Dan Collins, Dennis, McPhail, hell... even I make stuff and I consider myself a designer (not an artist). Copro Nason has great shows all the time. Corey Helford does too. And the Kustom Kulture II show was solid. The artists at the Mooneyes Japan show alone were mind blowing. Dirk "Pixeleye" Behlau recently released a movie called Flake and Flames. Cars, art and Kulture are alive and well......worldwide. Some people are ini it for the long haul. Others just until they hop on the next trend.
Exactly.Buy it because you like it,not because you expected to reap big returns on it.The return is the enjoyment of owning it.
Well said. The Friday Art Show. Look at the FAS on here every week, lots of fantastic work. There have been some great artists on the HAMB that have wandered off to other parts (Dan Picasso, Tingler, Sailor, just off the top of my head) which is a bit of a bummer, but there's lots of very cool stuff going on still.
very cool, would have loved to have been there my favorite art hanging in my home office are signed prints from some of those artists thanks for the trip back
Dont forget about great artists like Ben "Dragdaddy" Mitchell, Chad Scheres, Trapper Shatney as well as up and coming artists like Johnny Jalopy and Milo from Milo's Kustom Kulture Artwerks. There is a whole lotta outstanding Kulture Art out there. So much art, so little money.
thanks for all you've done Coby. you've helped alot of artists put food on the table more than once. especially me. glad the art is with someone who enjoys it!
Same here! People who appreciate and support artists are a rare breed... That Hot Chicks Cool Rides show was good for me, because they promoted it well and printed the great booklet for the show, in which I got to be one page away from Robert Williams, so that made it all worth it!
As a participant in this show I agree that it was an outstanding show and I was glad to be in it ..........three Pinhole pics and a life size photo-sculpture of Tom Branch's roadster ........
Just found these ... thought I'd post. <a href="" target="_blank"></a> <a href="" target="_blank"></a>