Seems like I remember someone who made a stroller or pedal type car like a late 50's early 60's FE dragster. I am about to start one and try my hand at it. I have a flathead plastic blown motor to scale that I will put in it. The flathead came out of an older battery powered car from toys r us. Anyone remember this?
Post a pic of it please! My '27 T Roadster build: 734383
Here are a couple I thought I'd posted before but apparently didn't. First one is a 32 pedal car built by a friend of mine in town(R&R Collision).The fun part was putting double stripes on each of the louvers that are about 1/2" long. The second one was built by the guys at 203 Custom Coach Works in Ypsilanti MI for a charity raffle.Lots of custom work on this one and it still functions on smooth pavement of course. The last one is electric powered that I put together for my grandson Jake.Don't know who made it originally but the body is fibreglass;has a tube frame and had Kroger Supermarket logos on it when I bought it at a yard sale for $10.Did it up to look like a real car that I had lettered & striped awhile ago(1972 Indy 500 winner)for Penske. I was a bit concerend that it might be too fast for him(it does 10-12 mph)as he was only 2 1/2 years old when I gave it to him.After about 5 minutes behind the wheel he was barreling around the street(a cul-de-sac)and managing to avoid hitting things.Hardest part was getting him OUT of the car. He will be 5 next month and my latest project for him is a Razor Street Chopper which hopefully will be done for his birthday.
Here's the one I built for my little has interior lights, headlights, tail lights, and under body lights. I have more pics too.
I did this car in 2004 and gave it to my cousins son for his 2nd birthday. He has since outgrown it and it hangs on the shop wall these days.
hello i just finish to re built a old pedal car from 30's the brand is leon doumercq, i all body are band new because the original one was completly destroy, i work 6 days on it thanks for yur forum check all at
My daughters car. Lace scallops and stripes on the hood. Heavy metal flake currently in getting a silver metal flake vinyl interior Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
Was out searching the antique shops and came across this sweet thing in one of the booths, big plans View attachment 2110894 And redoing the little Wagon since the little lady is growing, gonna have different wheels, still not 100% what tho View attachment 2110911 Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
Sorry for the no pics, it screwed up, the new Old stroller The redoing wagon Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
I bought this at a antique market. try to make one now for my litle baby. [/URL and this is where I'm now
My local second hand shop has one just like it for $175 - it is missing the original rear end and has a straight rod in its place.
I see one in a magazine for 600euro, but in a verry good condition. Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
I thought I would share the stroller I just finished for my 7mo Son. I have been watching this thread for months looking for ideas and motivation to get this thing done. It is a 65' Mustang Pedal Car converted to a Stroller. It has working front steering, sequential rear turn signals and brake lights, reverse lights, Front turn signals, working headlights and horn. It was built as a "Mini Me" of my 65' Mustang. The car is controlled with a Wii Nunchuck and custom software written to interface the 1/4" RC Servo and LED arrays. I took it to its first car show, the Cavalcade of Customs which is part of the AutoRama and Summit Racing car show series, and he took first place in class. I can't get my photos to upload, so here is a link to more build photos and a video from the show. Enjoy, Jason
I actually built everything myself. I laser cut acrylic mounting plates and just placed in the LED's and soldered them into 3 arrays, running the correct resistors for 9.6v and the forward amperage for the LED's I found. A Programmable Logic Controller is running the software that interfaces the Wii Nunchuck controller to the 1/4 scale RC servo for steering and activates the LED's. For a 12v Automotive battery system you could use allot brighter LED's and Bigger arrays so it stands out more while in the sun. I want to build a 65' Mustang JR for him once he gets older, Maybe in the short future once I purchase a body from you and start building my own arrays and interface I could get one to you.
The first photo is the LED lights I made for my Mustang JR. The two outside rows and the center row are for the brakes and the other two rows are for running lights.Very bright but lots of work to make them. I also cut a piece of diffuser from a fluorescent light fixture to spread the light. The other photo shows the LED chips that I used for headlights and the old leds I took out and the car showing the difference in brightness. The thing I need to figure out is how you get the sequential lights to work on the rear. They would be great for Mustangs and the 66 Thunderbird JR
What did u use for the steering? Car looks good! I see you had the servo but how it it controlled up top?? Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using H.A.M.B. mobile app