I recently bought a 1947 M5 Studebaker Truck. It cam with 2 engines. I am trying to Identify them. Any help would be great. First Engine SCI8628 Stamped Number under head on front drivers side 1548965-5 Cast number on left side oil pan rail 2nd engine IN28953 Stamped under head drivers side 518448-2 Cast on pan rail These are flat six engines
http://forum.studebakerdriversclub.com/archive/index.php?t-2865.html first engine,, http://forum.studebakerdriversclub.com/archive/index.php?t-65298.html second, Good luck and please keep it Studebaker what ever way you go!
BTW: not knowing where you're going w/this, it might help to know, or consider, that Studies are well suited to supercharging &/or turbos, w/very little "spl" work. So yah, I agree w/tinman, keep the stude. Plus, very few will actually know what it is... . Glad to see another Stude being brought back to life. Marcus...
I can get you the info just need to talk to a guy first, he drove the Avanti Bucket List Dream. He just picked up an M16 Truck.
Well I figured it out... First engine is a 1960 170 cube. The 2nd engine is the original.... So it looks like I will be mating the original tranny (3 spd floor shift) to the 1960 engine until I can rebuild the 2nd engine. (which looks like it might have already been done) I want NOS speed parts for the original. I am not sure What I will do with this truck. What I do know is it will be all stude.
Yes, the SC engine is a 1960 engine only 170 cid and about 80 hp. The other engine is not listed on the engine codes list. Are you sure it is "IN"? there are numbers starting with a "1" but no "I"s. Dan