Good day from chilly Michigan! Well, I've already posted a thread without saying hi - guess I was so happy to have found the forum! I have a '31 Ford truck rat rod with a small block Chevy. Hoping to meet some fellow Michiganders and find folks getting together to cruise. Also hoping to find some folks who can help with some questions, and make new friends! Been into cars and fixing them up/working on them for over 40 years now, but new to hot rods. I really thought I knew a lot until I started one on my own...that's when I found out how much I really did NOT know!
Also from Michigan - this is a great forum . They also have rules too . One of the rules no R-t R-d reference to these wonderful classic cars from the past . You can have a uncompleted traditional hot rod .once again enjoy the forum. Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
Whoops - no offense intended; didn't realize I had an uncompleted traditional hot rod; sounds good! Glad to meet some other MI folks; would love to hear what you do for cruising & such.
What city are you in? A bunch of us guys around Plymouth/Livoina/Niethville area meet at Daly Deive in during driving season - the more the merrier