Beautiful work on that stainless trim! Very impressive. What did you use to cut the windshield glass? Looks great.
a sinking
bitching, very similar to mine, except I didn't cut my hardtop windshield and didn't sink the rear window ledge. Very long thread if you wanna go through it.
Mon Dieu! C'est le impressionnant! Probably would have done the rear window a bit differently, by letting it show out into the bed instead of sinking it into a hole. Don't like to make blind holes to fill up with water and other crap. Otherwise though, I am thoroughly impressed with the chop. Tactical choices aside, it was very well executed, and overall profile of the car is tits (American slang for impressionnant ).
Wow, very nice work. You def pulled of the chop. I know some don't like the rear window mod but it looks good I think, I'm figuring you have drain holes anyways. Excellent painter there, nice shine that may not even need a buff job. Overall damn good job, now let's see some outdoor pics. What wheels and tires will you be rollin on. Look forward to seeing it complete. Later.
Excellent work man.Takes real guts and talent to pull off what you did. I dig it! Now this is what I call a real custom, to go where most builders fear to go.