When I finally get the $$ to do the full airbag setup, of course the key is nowhere to be found. What are my options as far as getting a new key made? Can someone that's been through this tell me who/where I might want to go to deal w/ this. Thanks
Call any lock smith. They can come out and make a key for oh $40 bucks. No biggy. I lost the Jeep keys once. Beep beep who's got the key's to the Jeep jeep? I just called one out and 40 clams later I was drivin away. xxx
you have any friends with similar yr fords? Ford only had like 12 or so different keys and suprisingly, many open eachother.
Have your wife or gf deal with it. I stopped in at a locksmith to key the doors on her 63 buick, they told me $40 or if I took out the lock, $20. I told her since its her car to run up and wait while they rekey it. Tiny skirt, comes home, THEY removed the lock and rekeyed AND made 3 spares for $15. I wish I looked better in a skirt.
Haha, S.R.I. that's good stuff, funny how that works. Yeah, I'll have to let you guys know how much it runs me. Living in so. cal I'm sure it's gonna cost like 100 bucks. well maybe 50 if I can talk a hot girl into helpin me out. =P
Hop in the time machine and just travel back to when you had the keys, after all it is 2005. What you say that you don't a time machine? It's ok you can borrow mine. Sorry I had to it's getting late.
I'm thinkin the door lock or glove box lock is the same key; pull one of those and have a set made. My locksnith only charges 10-12.00 bucks.
hate to ask, but i used to start my car w/ a screw driver, pocket knife, other keys 'cause the lock mechanism was so worn out...
my 55 chevy has the old anything goes ignition, pick any set of keys , screwdriver or other object that'll fit haha. I was surprised but the ford ignition isn't nearly as worn, i tried my 55 chevy key that was similar in size and it didn't wanna go. Time to break out the old pocketbook lol.
For a simple lock that that it shouldn't cost more than $50. I lost keys to a moped and it was $30 for 2 keys. Those keys had cuts on both sides.
Your timing is poor. I just sold the original tumbler for my 51 and converted to a GM tumbler w/ the 12v conversion. I woulda let you borrow it indefinitely.
Maybe try a wrecking yard for a used ignition and key? I am in the same perdicament with having lost the only key to our 58 GMC project. Gonna either get another switch with key or pay the $50 to the locksmith and see if he can do it. We only have 1 guy around here that does locksmithing and he's in his 70's now
well if worse comes to worse. make a wire with alligator clips on both ends. go under the dash and connect one to each side of the swith. walla. power. then reach over and hit the start button. to turn off the engine undo the power side of the wire so you don't have a live wire hangin around. the old guys i work with said they used to steal their buddies shoeboxes back in the day by laying a gum wrapper across the terminals of the switch. ha ha.
the door key should be the same as the ignition key and it's easier to remove. just take it into a lock smith
dennis carpenter sells the tumbler assy. w/ 2 keys for around $50. gonna have to do this to my '53 since the key wont turn in the assy anymore. dennis-carpenter.com
Having a hard time finding the tumbler assembly/ keys on dennis carpenter's site. I'm sure it's on there. If anyone can provide a link ,i'd appreciate it.
Last month i kicked out my roomates then i went on vacation and when i got back my keys were gone Them bitches stole my (keys 3 cars buisness and house) when i find them there getting a brick threw the windshield
You kicked them out.. and took a vaction...You must have wore yourself out kickin.. I lost my keys to a 56 ford I had, looked everywhere for hours, and then I found them still in the doorlock. Also, one time I cleaned trash out of my truck and later, I couldn't find my keys, I looked and looked and looked and still couldn't find em, then a Neighbor I didn't really like Quizzed me about the last time I had em and what I did, yep, they were in the trash. To remove locks and fix watches and stuff, I usually tap it lightly with a 12 Lb sledgehammer. I've removed locks but had little luck on fixin watches.. However, I got a LOT of extra parts..