Just wondering if anyone has ever seen a pontiac aluminum rear fender? I have a pair and nobody seems to know anything about them. Was there ever a body built out of aluminum? Thanks uncle andy
At the end of WW2 steel was in high demand. So for the 46 model year the mfg would use what was avaible . I have owned 2 1946 fords with aluminum front floor pans. I have never seen the pont with those fenders but I never pain attention to 46 thru 48 pont.
Uncle Andy..... you're about as full of it as an old used car salesman. Haven't seen you around lately, but I do remember you telling me about em shortly after you picked them up.
And South Bend Motor Speedway sucked as much as usual.... Hope it gets better at the fairgrounds at the end of the month.
I know that this thread is old but I believe I have the answer to the aluminum fender question. Take a look at the attached photo that should explain it.
Very hard to read, even when blown up, but I take it that the aluminum rear fenders were some kind of a trial, used in dealer body shops to see if aluminum would work as a replacement for steel? Is that what the paper reads?
I played around with photo modification and upsized it and it still was difficult to read, even with a magnifying glass but, basically...... It says they were introduced as 'service replacements' and offers guidance on refinishing requirements and attaching hardware to minimize electrolysis corrosion.
I'm sorry if the letter is hard to read it looked good when I posted it but, I guess it didn't turn out as well as I thought. This is a letter sent to all of the Pontiac dealers stating that Pontiac is currently (1948) experimenting with aluminum rear fenders for 1942-1946, 47, and 1948 models for service replacements. "These fenders carry the same part number and price as steel fenders and quantities have been shipped to all warehouses. When received by the dealer they are prime coated with zinc chromate which is light green in color." It then goes on to explane how to prep and repair these panels.
Appreciate the added info. Oooh, zinc chromate.... don't tell the epa, it's as evil as tetra-ethyl lead.
Neat. I bet a lowrider bomb guy would pay dearly for a pair of those, either to polish, or just to have around as a super rare accessory thing.