So Mr. customer wanted me to poke some holes in his brand new Brooks Body and stuff a roll bar through them. I resisted as long as I could but fianlly caved and started in on it today. Now that is started I kinda of like it! What do ya think Yea or Nea? The plan is to sleeve and pin it just inside the body so it can be removed. I think he is planning to have it upholstered with lace on the underside of the hoop. Then he is going to have the seering wheel wrapped in the same fashion.
I like it. I've been considering doing the same thing. I've thought about going wider. What diameter tubing did you use and what wall thickness? Regards.
Sounds awful but actually doesn't look bad. We have a couple in our group with the roll bar and they don't look that good. I think they are more for looks than safety.
This is one I did about 15 years ago, it was sleeved 5" below the top of the body. The uprights were X-braced and securely mounted to the frame and only the top section was removable, so he could install his top. With it being a '34 we didn't have to drill holes in the body, there was room right behind the seat.
Exactly what I wanted to do for Mr. Customer. He wanst having any of that so the holes were punched. The lower section will get X'ed and if need be I guess he can pull it off and cap the holes? Oh well My job is to make my customers happy and he seems to be so I guess all Is Good.
Lynn...If you know Jay and Jan Carpenter`s Black Roadster, I did their Rollbar about 25 years ago when I worked for Darrell Zip. Same thing almost exactly. Don`t have a pic tho--Do you?
I like them, I have my customers sign the invoice (before the work is started) that I am building it to THEIR design and spec to cover my rear..
Good thought... Mr. cusomer is a great guy and we have a long history together so it wont be a problem here. But in the future that is a wise idea. Thanks
LOL, yeah he came by after the big three, nothing but smiles and laps around the car... He's a happy camper, holes in the car and everything.
I like it. I might have tried to talk him into widening it and putting it outside the feature line, but I might have been wrong. In putting the engine/transmission in my '37 Chevy, I had to cut three holes in the firewall. Only two of them were in the wrong place. It's only metal, it can be fixed.
My only concern was that Calvin seemed a little whimsical and like it was an after thought when he said he wanted it. It was after the third day when he walked in with a mach'ed up roll bar that I took him seriously. Then after seeing the smirk on his face last night I realized I wasn't going to be patching holes. Its all good and now that we have your approvals all is golden!
A few more pics of the progress. Still need a few more supports at the base. Mr. Customer didnt want to go to the frame so this was about the best I could come up with... Again not a usable rollbar but he wanted something that looks era correct.
Great guys have nasty relatives--- always get a signature before any work like this is started---after is too late
Yes, I do know Jan and Jay but I haven't seen them since the LARS. I think I have some photos of his roadster. I will look.
I will make sure to put on the invoice that it is an "Aesthetics Bar Only and in no way to be depended on as a safety device in an event of an accident or roll over." In fact Iwill go back and edit the whole thread. He and I discussed this to the 9's so Im good here, but its always better to be safe. Plus its posted here as to the intent and purpose of it.
I do like the looks of it....but I think it would have been best to make it the real deal and attach it to the frame.