I built a framework that works great.I put a boat winch in each corner and ordered a couple of lifting slings from McMaster-Carr.One person job. Fuzz
Pulled my 31 sedan off with these from HF . Handle 1000# it says but i figured 500 safely. Made some 4X4's to go across upper body with stops on each side . Lagged some angle to the cealing and one guy on each rope they pulled it right up and i rolled out chassis .
I've got a panel van. It has no floor at the moment - I intend to use metal. After I put in a metal floor should I still weld in braces before lifting it off the frame?
The first time I removed a body [40 coupe] I did just that. By myself. It took a good while but it darn sure worked. Set body on 4x4's across barrels and rolled the chassis out. Now I have more friends that help.
With all the above advice, I offer a tip on removal of a body. When I removed my A coupe body, I removed the wheels, set the chassis down on wheel dollies to lessen the height and rolled the chassis out sideways. I caution you that all roof structures are not equal, yours may need reinforcement to hang a body from it.
I USED 4 DECENTLY STRONG GUYS TO PICK MY 47 BUICK 2 DOOR FAST BACK UP OFF THE FRAME NO DOORS FENDERS OR GUTS IT'S DO ABLE BUT THE TWO YOUNGEST/ WEAKEST COULDN'T HOLD FOR TOO LONG SO YEAH DO THE BEER TRICK WORKS EVERY TIME AND I GET ONE TO TWO GUYS TO COME OVER TO LIFT IT UP ON TO ONE SIDE SO WELDING can he done under car I think my lifters are starting to get wise to just beer I had to add pizza with beer good luck and keep a floor jack handy just in case someone drops it on a foot or something
I started with the buddy system, bought a case a beer and invited them over. No problem to start, chatted a bit about a plan of attack. cracked open a cold one and kept chatting. Topic changed to the plan for the truck, showed some parts that were collected, cracked open another one. Chatted some more about the engine going in and how about this and how about that, cracked open another one. I now use an engine crane, much faster.