lookin for history and experience...of hurst....m&h....radir slicks. would like a quality dot cheater , blackwall, piecrust slick. not crazy about the firestones at speedway. any suggestions?
i have used radirs for years. rich will cut grooves if you desire. they come to you saying not for highway use. after a few seconds with the d a they say for highway use. i have never had a problem. if you don't like the whitewall side out flip it and use the tire black stuff on them. works great.
Probably not D.O.T. approved for a reason. Had a set of old 8" M&H pie crusts on my A roadster. With a tired 'ol flathead puttin' out about 50 hp ya just had to touch the gas on wet roads, and it would head for the shoulder. Couple of years ago, wuz headin' home from a car show and got caught in the rain with a 409 powered Bantam roadster. This time I had a set of 10.00 firestone slicks. (with grooves) Did the same shit. Lucky for me both vehicles were stick shift cars and all I had to do was push in on the clutch and it came back O K. Yep, they look cool, but ya gotta stay on top of your game when it gets damp. And yeah,I'm still runnin'em. Kinda like form over function.
I run "stones" (Firestones) from Coker. I have heard a lot of people talk bad about them but to be honest with you they have been great for me. I was shocked with how well they hooked up at the track. I ran 122 MPH through the quarter and could have easily driven it home. It is a cruiser and constantly driven both on the street and highway.
These are Hurst versions. Whether it's burnouts, crusin' or interstate traveling, I've had no issues. I'd buy from them agan.
hearing good n devastating bad reports about the hurst tires. thoughts. like to think they are ok, but being a recap, getting stories of coming apart. realize all about driving them in wet conditions. just don't want to ruin a car because of recap failure. thanks to all for responding, tryin to weigh good to the bad stories.
Ive had perfect luck with my Hurst recaps on my 55. But then I don't do burn outs or drive in the rain...
The original post said, not crazy about the Flintstones from speedway! Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
I've had radir tires on mine about 4 years never had any problems Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
I don't think DOT and piecrust slicks go together as a married couple. Just has a peculiar relation to it. I don't see it happenin'