Obviously there are extremely talented builders and fabricators on this site. I was hoping to get some ideas for how to inconspicuously mount a 32 ford hood top without using side straps. Open to any good ideas. Really appreciate thehelp.
conspicuously is easy. Inconspicuous is a bit more difficult. Hide in plain sight is the most difficult to do.
I did the same thing. I used mono fishing line as it is hard to see and brass brazing rod ends bent to an L plus a little so they would not fall out of the hinge loops, One in front and one in back. 99% invisable
I made spring loaded sliding catches out of steel tubing and some rod. Simple and they are hidden when latched.
Hey thanks guys. I really appreciate the ideas. Would be I retested in any other ideas out there too.....
Mine is sort of like Rolf's link in post #2, except my front ones lock into the upper radiator shell mounting brackets. That's why mine are bent different. I use an acorn nut on the backside of each rod, to act as a stop when the hood is open. On the rear ones, I welded a very small loop in the groove of the firewall edge. My rear rods lock into the loop real precisely, so that it keeps the hood pulled down tight to the anti-squeak welting,... and the hood stays aligned perfectly. It won't sit nice if the rod just goes under the firewall edge, because it can easily ride up.
I knew that some day I would add sides so I found some long stainless steel springs about like screen door springs and made hooks out of SS welding rod that slid into the hinge pockets and hooked the springs. Tops stayed put at hwy speed.
This is what I came up with on my '32. The latches are screen door hardware from McMaster-Carr. (Brookville uses these or similar for latching their Model A pickup tail gates). They are spring loaded non-metalic pins, and are captured by small angle iron brackets on the cowl and radiator shell. Holds the tops very solid, are well hidden and no hardware to loose when I run without the hood. (The props are seperate)
I have a top panel with 2 holes in it where some old timer just ran a couple of sheet metal screws into the cowl and grill. Early hotrodding could be very crude by todays standards.
WORD ! Once again the students of the HAMB University,.... Have been schooled by the wisdom of one of our most profound philosophers,.... My Dear Brother Frank,.... You my friend are a "Thought-Smith" of a very high caliber...... This is very similar to some very good advice given by our other Brother's ,.... The late Mr. Dave Lukari,... And Frank Mack. Keep the faith,.. and keep preach'in the gospel Brother Frank !