Hey all - Just bought a 1959 belair 2 door sedan. I am looking for some trim. Edited to remove "wanted" items; please use the appropriate section in the classifieds - Thanks, Moderator
Welcome to the HAMB you may want to update your "introduction" a little, As far as the parts go, check with carlk60 here on the HAMB as a potential source, has has tons of 59 and 60 Chevy parts. Also The 59 Source may be able to get you some. Both are good guys to deal with.
Nomad- Thanks man. Bit confused I guess. Should I find my "introduction" and update it? Meaning telling everyone I have bought a 59 Belair now and in process of finding parts?
Your fine on the intro. Just post what your looking for in the "wanted" section. I would start a thread on your car on the main board also. That is a popular car and will get a lot of attention and get you some good info.
I have a 58 Belair 4 door that still has most of the trim. Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
I have lots o 59 stuff including some side trim. Not sure what you mean about the "trunk trim..." Hood "script" varies based on engine. Trim around "gills" is all the same.
may not be right, but i was thinking you could h=just edit the original post. as others have noted it is not a big deal also 59bones is a good source too, as he has stated.
Bones - could I send you a pic of my car and where I "think" I need something? One thing I have noticed is one side of hood (just not on hood on top from ornament back to window) has holes for trim. The drivers side does not have holes nor does either side have a place to put a side mirror. Could be last guy closed them up, but not sure if they should or shouldn't be there.