Gentlemen, Hoodlums. I must say that I've lurked in the H.A.M.B for some time now. Dreaming and wishing I had a Machine worthy of the H.A.M.B. I joined I 2010. Today , I hope I will come home with my Dream(in pieces of course) . A 1950 Ford Tudor! 2 Dr, Flat 226 six. Everything appears to be there. Its been said, she was running a year ago then fell into the hands of a MONSTER HACK CUTTING . Well you know. Hopefully I will return with my prize. Wish me luck. Farmdawg.
Thanks Guys. Well as of today there is still a title issue. Its being passed around from family member to family member. We have agreed on the purchase price. My only contingency is that it have a clear and correct Title. Been there done THAT it's a PITA! Never again. My Dad and Mom both had '50 ford customs in 1964 when they met and that is what brought them together. Both cars were sold in the early '70's. I'm 50 now and can still remember both of them as a child. Hell they were cool back then. Hopefully this weekend we can make it happen. Mike.
Dang! His Ex-wife has the Title. LOL, And She wants her money!! Her name is on it as the sole owner. OH BOY, Well looks like I'm back to looking. Farmdawg.
First , welcome (officially) to the HAMB Does she want a shit-ton of wampum for the car ? If it's a car worth saving , maybe try to strike a deal & get it . I'm sure you've already given that a thought though .
Farmdawg Sorry for your're situation, There is a real nice restored 50 4 door for sale where I live in North Georgia. Let me know if that interests you, the price seems to be fair.You can PM me. Gene
Thanks Guys. Buddy, Nice build. I'm Looking around at all the left over Race car crap I have left over from racing. 355 CID SBC. With Trick Flow heads. Muncie three speed trans. Frankland quick change rear end. Down side it has a Spool. Intakes carbs and cams ect.......... Shoe box Gasser? Hum. T-bucket? Something going to happen , Not sure what. Farmdawg