My good buddy and fellow club member just picked up a 48 coupe and we are looking for some inspiration. Specifically looking for chopped cars with custom grilles. Thanks in advance! Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
Thanks FMS427 thats exactly the kind of stuff we're looking for. I have definitely come across a lot more fords than mercs so far. Not chopped, but a 47 Merc coupe with a shortened 55 Desoto grill.
Thanks Rikster, your site was the first place we looked. That last one really does it! Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
Palle is correct its 47-48 Mercury gauge and speaker grille. I think those are plastic parts. For a more elegant solution check out what Jack Stewart used on his Jack Stewart Ford (he used a 1948 Mercury dash). Palle can tell you what parts you need to make this happen.
Cool thanks Rik...I was looking at one of your photos of the Baker file on your site and I seem to have noticed a different gauge bezel and speaker grille. Looked more angular?
I think this is the Stock dash grille cluster. Square and plastic Possibly the dash that was used in the original Jack Stewart Ford had some sort of accessory dash gauges/grille added.
The Mercury speaker cover and instrument covers were both plastic in the 46-48 Mercs and the stuff gets really brittle with age. Lots of places sell the more round Ford style replacements in pot metal. It works but it's not exactly like the Mercury stuff. Years ago (pre-HAMB days )there was a fellow that reproduced the plastic stuff and advertised it in Hemmings. I couldn't justify paying his price then and that's the last time I saw any mention of Merc dash reproductions. Truthfully I haven't been looking for a while either. I always thought it would be fun to have a cabinetmaker copy the angular speaker cover in some nice wood because that's the part that is hardest to find. The speedo and clock covers can be found in usable condition with some patience but that speaker cover is a different story.