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Attn. Hamb Artist- and everyone else

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by jstorm, Nov 17, 2005.

  1. Kev Nemo
    Joined: Aug 7, 2004
    Posts: 2,453

    Kev Nemo

    Indo, you stuff may not be trad, but it's damn good-nice work!
  2. jstorm
    Joined: Apr 10, 2004
    Posts: 586


    Whats the name of your shop, i used to work right down the street from there. I know the gallery you are talking of. I thought about the west end Vanderbilt area. Like i said it wont be 100%hotrod art. By vanderbilt you got alot of rich kids and it can be kinda artsy. PLus we can stay open as long as we want and dont have to deal with mall hours. Also in that area we could do a coffee shop, tattoo shop , art gallery and probably get good business.
  3. jstorm
    Joined: Apr 10, 2004
    Posts: 586


    Your stuff would be great, we need a good variety of stuuf to show.
  4. Hey Cindy Brady.......what's floor space at the airport cost?:confused: And is there any available anyway? yeah, not likely.....but lots of traffic.

    Hurry up, I need a cup of coffee right now :p
  5. Sounds very interesting and very ambitious.

    I never thought that anything I do is "Gallery Qualified". My art usually graces only the finest sh*thouse walls in Chicagoland, but I would contribute panels for the HAMB art room or however you wish to use it.

    Keep us informed and good luck!


    "........Hey honey, hide the Kinkade prints and coffee table books when the Hotrodders come over". There might be a rumble. :D :D
  6. jstorm
    Joined: Apr 10, 2004
    Posts: 586


    Airport= terrorists

    Just kidding, hadnt though about there. Might be more hassle then its worth but i am willing to check into it.
  7. rowdy
    Joined: Feb 28, 2005
    Posts: 155


    our shop is a fabrication shop, mostly heavy industrial stuff. there are always motorcycles and cars but if you look outside it is mostly old projects for customers. it is 209 next to where bluesboro was, it says l.e. carroll welding on the door. vandy is a great area, but from what i know it is fairly expensive. so good luck, maybe over in the 12th or 8th avenue part of town, they are cleaning it up and you may luck out and get a space.
  8. jstorm
    Joined: Apr 10, 2004
    Posts: 586


    Any help or contacts would be appreciated. Any thoughts on setup would be good too. I posted those pics of a local gallery as a starting point of kinda how i want it. The main problem with the "gallery" i work for is it is more of a big gift store. He has licensed his stuff out to to much shit and it really no longer means much to people. Plus we have shit everywhere that distracts you from the "art". I want you to see the art and buy gift seperate but still in the same place. If we are haveing a car art show sell car related books,models, merchadise in teh gift shop. if its more modern art sell something related to it. you get the picture, just dont put it in front of the art and take away the perspective.
  9. texoutsider
    Joined: Jul 6, 2005
    Posts: 826

    from Frisco, Tx

    Aviation art my with Rapido-graph..lots of dots flying in formation.

    Would be glad to send in a few from some of my early series stuff.

    Mark Artis
  10. james
    Joined: May 18, 2001
    Posts: 1,064


    Sounds like a good idea, but really stay away from malls. Airport too. Every decent gallery I've been to in any city is always located downtown. Find something open, with high ceilings. You need to think about storage, too. For every artist on the wall you want a peice or two "in the back" for when someone shows interest in an artist but maybe not the pieces hanging. Galleries should be kept minimal, paint the walls white and use track lighting to start-- cheap and versatile. I've shown in a few galleries and showing an artist you care about proper lighting makes a big impression. And be consistant on what you sell and the caliber of art. It may help bring in a few bucks, but most serious artists won't show in a "gift shop". A good way to help bring in money and clients is to ask artist to include smaller, less expensive works. A lot of big collectors start out buying this type of work. I've included framed drawings in some of my shows that are usually small 8x10 frames. I've sold $70 drawings and a few months later that same person bought an $1,400 painting. Make sure to price your art accordingly. Go to other legit galleries in the area and get a feeling for what prices are. This also has a lot to do with how established an artist is. Don't price to low. I've known great painters who can't sell paintings for $50 and I've seen hacks sell $5,000 crap. People want to think they are getting something of real worth. THere are poster shops everywhere, they go to a gallery for art, and if the work is good, and the gallery "feels" legit, they'll pay. As for paying the artist, 50/50 is a fairly standard rate, with the gallery paying all advertising expenses (post cards, newspaper ads, etc) and covering the costs for openings (food, drink, music, etc.). This usually works well, though some places it can be 60/40 (either way, depending on the caliber of gallery, or of the artist.) In some big markets, like New York, an emerging artist can pay up to 90% to be in a big name gallery. Don't try to lure artist by saying you'll just get a small cut for expenses or you'll be out of bussiness quick. Stick to your guns and prices. Galleries are one bussiness where the adage "fake it till you make it" stands true. Act like a serious gallery and people will take you more serious. Of course, if you want to just open a coffee shop and hang some work, that's fine, too.
    Oh, and Thomas Kinkaid is the OCC of the art world. If anyone needs proof that you can sell your soul for fame and fortune, it him. It makes me sick that idiots will pay so much for a print that one of his "master painters" dabs little white highlights on. Disgusting....
  11. jstorm
    Joined: Apr 10, 2004
    Posts: 586


    All valid points and all taken into cosideration already. The gift shop is completely seperate from the gallery in itself. Just a small room dedicated to the small stuff like calenders and mugs, crap like that. The gallery will be a gallery like the pics posted earlier. Prices will will be according to the artist who is showing, we will get our cut and it will be plenty to keep us going. I am not going into this blind, alot of research has already gone into this and i wanted everyones opinions and suggetions so we make it appealing to everyone not just one group of people. We have also decided to attach a frame shop so we can do everything in house that we can.

    You right about Kinkade, thats why i want out. I spent an hour last night dealing with some kick couple who thought they were art collectors. i bet all the rich folks who buy would go nuts and sell there pictures if they knew that the little people buy them too. The people we get in can be idiots, expect me to treat them just like the people who spend 2,000+ for a painting and all they get is a calender. Give me snotty attitude over a $10 mug, i dont think so.
  12. ratster
    Joined: Sep 23, 2001
    Posts: 3,596


    Thanks Johnny!

    This sounds like it might be a good idea, i'm in. Let me know what I can do to help, I'm in Maryville.
  13. ratstar
    Joined: Feb 22, 2005
    Posts: 1,313


    Damn you and your close spelling I thought he was talking about me! I felt all good and tingly inside till I read your post ratster. Now I feel like some lunch. I am hungry.
  14. ratster
    Joined: Sep 23, 2001
    Posts: 3,596


    whats for luch? haha
  15. jstorm
    Joined: Apr 10, 2004
    Posts: 586


    Talked with my wannabe partner and we have made a few decisions based on your input.

    1. NO MALL, it was just a thought and now it is gone like a fart in the wind. We will be looking at locations next week in the Nashville area and surrounding counties.
    2. A framing shop will be attached so we can fram ethe art ourselves and bring in extra income as well.
    3. We are still debating on the attached coffee shop. Good for extra income but dont want it to overshadow tha gallery.
    4. Small gift shop attached. If we have an car art show we will sell car realted items in the shop. Also little art items and maybe a few art supplies.
    5. 40-50% cut on our part of sales. All that will be worked out with every artist that we will show.
    6. Military discount and possibly a HAMB discount.
    7. Keep artists untill they sellout or pull there stuff. Keep one rooom open for rotating show or special events.
    9. Theres more but i am tired of typing.

    PLease if you have any other suggestions please let me know. I want this to be successful. I will keep everyone updated and be in touch with all the artists interested on here.
  16. guiseart
    Joined: Apr 7, 2005
    Posts: 3,871


    My idea was... if it matters... A combination Art gallery/ personal workshop/ HotRod sales.

    Art Gallery to display NOTHING but Hot Rod, Truck, Bike, Pinstriping, Auto-related stuff... including furniture, photos, paintings, etchings, panels, helmets, anything to do with or made out of car parts. I have been running with a crowd of nuts who do shows called "Art and the Automobile" and "Chrome, Smoke & Flames" for a few years now. The art galleries we show at ALWAYS want us back, and tell us that the amazing thing about our shows is that MEN actually are the ones dragging the WIVES there, instead of vice-versa at most flowery, artsy-fartsy shows. The last show we did in Russell Kansas, the curator said that every day the kids were lined up outside the door of the gallery after school, waiting for her to open the doors up so they could see the "Cool" artwork again... EVERY DAY! So the art itself is a draw to a DIFFERENT kinda crowd.

    Personal Workshop was just for me to etch in. I always thought it was rare to see an artist actually at work, most shy away from talking to people while doing their thing... I love it. I thought that would be unique also, and draw even more people. The wife or myself could mind the art gallery while I etched my commissions.

    Hot Rod Sales ... I was looking for a place to scatter a few (3 to 6) actual cars/trucks for sale in front, like an old gas station, shed on a corner lot, something like that. Running, cool Hot Rods. Either built by friends or myself, no Bling-Bling, no ricers, just nice, reliable, well-built, safe, cool Hot rods offered to the public.

    All three would draw the kind of people who would be interested in either or all of the subjects involved; those who came to see the cars - might buy auto art also. Those who came to see the auto art - might drive off in a new ride. Those who came to see an artist at work - might buy some, and also would tell their friends about the unique place they'd just been to.

    All artwork and rods would be sold at a slight commission, just to keep the lights on, and keep the advertising bill paid.

    Just my idea. But hanging out all day with people (customers or friends) who were all interested in artwork and cool cars... would just be a dream life.
  17. guiseart
    Joined: Apr 7, 2005
    Posts: 3,871


    Could you possibly find a hot-rod shop with some extra room near by???? Abuilding they are not using? A part of town that is dedicated to fast cars? I know some areas of big cities have streets lined with related businesses... upholstery shop, mufflershop, body shops, engine shops, etc... all together. That would be advantageous (ooooo big word)
  18. jstorm
    Joined: Apr 10, 2004
    Posts: 586


    Dude, your giving away all my secrets. LOL. I was kinda thinking along the same lines as you. I either got to dump the partner or get one more like minded. i think i might just dump him. i have my eye on several old service stations and factory type buildings. enough space upfront fo a gallery and plenty in back for hot rods and bikes.
  19. jalopy43
    Joined: Jan 12, 2002
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    Yes no yes .yes, and no. I think a car art gallery/coffee house is a great idea. Live jazz on the weekends. You amaze me..:DSparky
  20. For the life of me ...i can't remember his screen name...somebody else might?
    Anybody?? :)...Brush! who was that?
    But one of us Canucks opened a gallery up in Osoyoos,BC, along the same lines
    as what your talking...he might be good to talk to ! you have like a antique'y section in your town?
    That would be a good place to scout out...:)
  21. jstorm
    Joined: Apr 10, 2004
    Posts: 586


    If anyone knows his name i would like to talk to him.

    I will be checking out several art areas of middle tennessee this weekend. I just need to figure out where the best area would be and get the most traffic.

    And sparky, Jazz bands would be cool. I want the coffee house to have bands on the weekends and during special events. I also want to find a place that would have the room for a cruise in or places to park hotrods and motorcycles during events.

    Also have enough room to have some bikes and cars that relate to the art on display. Kinda like the David Mann exhibit a few years ago in Sturgis, Bikes in the middle and art all around.
    Joined: Nov 14, 2004
    Posts: 1,000


    I would have live music with strippers ya strippers runnin everywhere hold works of art with pony rides and games.......:D

    I think it sounds cool.Cory you never struck me as the refined type but thats okay....Gives me another reason to come to bootiful Tenn.

  23. leadsleadolds
    Joined: Jun 7, 2004
    Posts: 1,817


    I'd be intersted in contributing some art
  24. jstorm
    Joined: Apr 10, 2004
    Posts: 586


    I aint refined, i swim in cement ponds and eat roadkill.

    I like the stripper idea but dont know how well that would go over around here.

    Leadsleadolds, i will keep in touch and let everyone know whats up after christmas when we really get this rolling.
  25. You don't need no stinkin storefront---just rent a cheap motel every three months.......I can see it now........

    "This weekend and this weekend ONLY---STARVING HOT ROD ARTISTS at the Music City Inn!!!! THOUSANDS of paintings, wholesale to the public!" :D

    Hey, DO it.(not the motel gig) I wanna consign some of my hot rod office furniture. ;)

    How about the Marathon car factory? Ain't that Barry guy got it developed for artsy-fartsy-type storefronts? Or maybe you should look south since the Nissan guys are coming....:eek:
  26. jstorm
    Joined: Apr 10, 2004
    Posts: 586


    Marathon is upscale apartment and a few storefronts. Worth checking into. Kinda a crappy area but who knows. With Nissan coming in maybe cool springs will be good.
  27. jalopy43
    Joined: Jan 12, 2002
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    This post is freakin me out man. Early this morning,when piddling in the gay-rodge,when I spot my old expresso machine.. Brought it in cleaned it up. had a cup or two.. Then discovered this post ,Cindy. weird mannn.:confused: Sparky,man. Let me know what I can do.
  28. guiseart
    Joined: Apr 7, 2005
    Posts: 3,871


    I will move to Tenn... find a place with a two-bedroom apt attached and I will run it for you for rent... I need Sundays off... paid vacation 1 month a year... I must have room to park at least three cars under roof... I will supply the coffee... I will even strip fer tips...


    Don't tempt me man... I'll do it... i will !!!
    Joined: Nov 14, 2004
    Posts: 1,000


    I swear to God Donnie Baker can get it done man ya got the plan there man.

    I know a perfect location just aways from the ville.Its in Hartsville we could call it "Things I am gonna fix up someday" bahahaha:D

    I think there is already a exhibit started there..............:rolleyes:


  30. jstorm
    Joined: Apr 10, 2004
    Posts: 586


    how does 2 months paid and room for 6 cars sound?

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